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Search results

  1. Bartman

    120 or 150 for a 40% Cap?

    Hi Guys, I'm heading out Sunday morning to go look at a Carden 40% Cap 232 project that has been partially built. I don't have a problem finishing it but I"m wondering what you guys think I'd need to have in it to fly well. I'd have put this in the 3D area but I'm not a big 3D flyer. I...
  2. Bartman

    Desert Aircraft supports IMAC with GENEROUS donation!

    This was posted to the article Sleepy wrote about the IMAC Worlds that will be running in Muncie the first week of September (We'll be there!). I"m copying it here because a...it's so freakin' awesome b...the IMAC community needs everyone's support to make the engine auctions successful...
  3. Bartman

    Thank you!

    Guys, Not too long ago I made the jump into Giant Scale RC planes and, like a lot of people, I went to FG and started reading. I recognize a lot of the names coming through the doors here and I'd just like to say thank you for all of the help and inspiration that you provided over the...
  4. Bartman

    STICKY *** On Twitter @GiantScaleNews.com

    Whatever the hell that means! Bartman
  5. Bartman

    STICKY *** Denied Registration as a SPAMMER??

    Don't take it personally! Unless you're actually a spammer of course, in which case I hope karma catches up to you one day. We use an online anti-spam utility in order to screen new registrations and it works great 95% of the time. When it crashes though it spits out a bunch of...
  6. Bartman

    How big before multiple servos on a control?

    A big question I've always had is how big can you go before you need multiple servos on your control surfaces? I think it's pretty safe to say that 30 to 40CC planes (about 70 to 80" wingspans) are going to be fine with a single, metal gear servo on each control surface including the...
  7. Bartman

    Welcome JTEC Radiowave

    GiantScaleNews.com would like to welcome JTEC Radiowave to the Vendor Forums area. They are a US manufacturer of aircraft kits and mufflers for two and four stroke gas and nitro engines. They also stock DA and DLE engines as well as a variety of other RC related products. Welcome and...
  8. Bartman

    First Contest at GiantScaleNews.com!! Desert Aircraft Engine Giveaway!!

    This is an exciting time for me and SleepyC. New site, new direction, hoping to bring a pro atmosphere to Giant Scale coverage on the web while putting out the best forums experience possible. How do we thank you for being here? By giving away free stuff that rocks! First up will...
  9. Bartman

    **sticky** Beginners Welcome!

    Hi everyone and welcome to GiantScaleNews.com. This is the area of the site where you can ask whatever questions you'd like, as many times as you'd like. Simple questions about the basics let you get started in the community here and before long you'll be helping out the next wave of...
  10. Bartman

    Hi folks, Bart from NJ

    Hi guys, Bartman checking in from the sunny west coast of NJ. Been flying RC since 1983 or so and was building/flying balsa models a few years before that. I've been known to fly some pretty trashy stuff but there have been some giants in there that deserved better but ended up with me at the...