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Search results

  1. Bushwacker

    New Build Help

    Hey Fella's, So I want to build a new aircraft, but having trouble picking which one to do. So Im hoping I could get some input from you guys. What Im looking at are these. Extreme Flight 78" Extra 300 White/Blue/Black- ELECTRIC 3DHS 61" Extra 330 LT - Red / Blue Scheme would rather have the...
  2. Bushwacker

    61" Extra 330 LT

    Hey Tim have you built and flown the 61" Extra 330 LT? If you have how did you like it and did you use the recommended parts? If you were to upgrade it for a more sport type bird like more speed and so on what would you recommend. Last question is why does yours sell $10 more than @ the Extreme...
  3. Bushwacker

    65" Vyper parts

    Hey guys does anyone here or know of anyone that has parts for a 65" Vyper in the red/white scheme? Or even the whole airframe? Wish 3DHS still had this plane in the inventory.
  4. Bushwacker

    Hitec HD Stabilization

    So @Express how's this little dude working out? Can you provide some insight on it please. Price seems to be Hella good compared to the Çotex.
  5. Bushwacker

    Jets Jets and more Jets

    As far as I know there is nothing on these boards about Jets, but that doesn't mean someone here doesn't fly them or have knowledge of them. So how bout it fellas anyone here into the Jet thing? Any kind really, doesn't have to be turbine either. Can be a simple EP EDF. I think it would be fun...
  6. Bushwacker

    30cc 50cc Ultimate 20-300 Electric conversion

    Has anyone heard of or know of anyone converting one of these to electric? If so I would like to get info on that please.
  7. Bushwacker

    Redwing 30cc Extra 300SC Electric Motor Choice?

    Hey fellas, I will be starting a new build on this bird and would like to get some advice or ideas on motor selection. This will be an electric motor and as always I want to go above what is considered normal as far as power goes. Would like to keep it as light as I can, but still have brutal...
  8. Bushwacker

    48" Extra 330 EPP

    Hey fella's how do you think this little guy would perform with these components and I only ask because I've never had this kind of foamy balsa type bird in fact this would be only the second foamy I've ever had. EF Torque 2814/820 Airboss 45A Esc 4S 2700mAh LiPo battery Hitec HS 5070/5065 servos
  9. Bushwacker

    Best 50cc Airframe Around

    So fellas as I have never owned a 50cc sized plane I can't offer an opinion, but was hoping those who have wouldn't mind sharing what you think is the best 50 out there. One that will do it all equally well. :popcorn:
  10. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez Banshee Update

    Aerobeez Hey guys and girls can you give us all an update when we can expect some more news or pics of this new plane please? Atleast tell us what the heck it is so we can decide whether or not to save up for it or move onto what we are looking to get now. :grumpy:
  11. Bushwacker

    CC Talon HV 120

    Hey Fella's, Is anyone running this ESC and if so how do you like it? Any info you care to share would be great. Pro's/Con's? Thanks much.
  12. Bushwacker

    New Lineup

    So does anyone know when we can get some information on the new lineup of planes that will arise from this merg of companies? I for one would like very much to know what we have to look forward to.
  13. Bushwacker

    Motor won't arm after update to Jeti Mezon 90

    So I updated the or tried to update the firmware on a Jeti Mezon 90 to ver 1.27 and it errored out on me. See pic below. This is what it gave me. Everything works except for the throttle. When I connect the power I get no arming sounds and no throttle. Now when I plug in the Jeti Box it keeps...
  14. Bushwacker

    Spektrum AR000 or AR7610

    Spektrum AR8000 or AR7610 Hey Fellas, I need to get a new RX and was thinking about doing it up with an AR8000. Here's the thing, I have been running a AR7610 on my 3DHS 65" Vyper and it works great. I am just about finished building a new plane, an Aerobeez Slick Pro. I want to run some...
  15. Bushwacker

    The Real Deal

    Man oh Man this is some serious flying here boy's. Just WoW!!! :veryshocked: https://youtu.be/BycHBgQKnQ0
  16. Bushwacker

    MKS HV777 Digi

    Has anyone used or are using these servos? If so how do you like them?
  17. Bushwacker

    Perfered RX from Spectrum

    Preferred RX from Spectrum. All I have ever known for planes are Spektrum receiver’s so this is all I can attest to. I would like to know what RX most people fly with in electric planes and the reason you fly those particular ones. The one’s I know and have used are ---> AR 6110...
  18. Bushwacker

    How to figure out what it will be

    Hey guys, So can you guys help educate me on how to figure out what my setup will produce mathematically? Never bothered to learn how to do it and now I want to. :) Motor: DM 4330-216Kv ESC: Mezon 90 Battery: 2 X 3700mAh 22.2V 45C Prop: 20x8 Example to figure out RPM, aren't you suppose to...
  19. Bushwacker

    ZTW Gecko vs Castle Creations

    So I have used both of these brands, however I have only ever used the CC on a Heli. Both work well. The Gecko I have only used on a plane a 65" Vyper with a Motrolfly motor. The CC works great on my Helis but have never ran one on a Motrolfly motor. What do you guys think works best of these...
  20. Bushwacker

    Discussion Advice from those in the know...

    Well fellas Im stuck on which plane to get. Same old thing from guys like me with limited experience. I have only flown a few different planes which are listed in my sig. So before diving into a new project I like getting the heads up from all you guys first. So far it has panned out really well...