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Search results

  1. Bushwacker

    Cool Power Supply

    Ran accross this Power Supply and I must say it looks pretty dang good. Would work well with my FMA PowerLab 8's anyone here running this. If so how you like it? Good bad or otherwise? The price isn't terrible either.
  2. Bushwacker

    48" and 78" Extra 300

    So I have the 48" EXP Version. My question is does it's big brother "78" ver" fly as well or better then the little guy? The 48 fly's great I mean really great I absolutely love this plane. Fly's better than my 65" Vyper. Don't know if thats because of setup or just a better plane, it just does...
  3. Bushwacker

    Gfx on a 65" Vyper

    Hey guys do yo know if the Gnarly mouth with eyes graphics for 30cc will fit on the 65" Vyper? http://www.knifeedgegraphix.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=65
  4. Bushwacker

    Question? C Rating

    Just wanted to get some confirmation. C ratings are 5 amps per c right so 1C is 5amp 2C = 10 and just multiply up as you go right?
  5. Bushwacker

    Hopping Servos

    So I my friend bought the same EF 48" Extra 300 EXP as I did, but went with the stock servos. "HS 5065 MG" We both are running the Airboss Elite 45 Amp ESC. Here is whats happening. The Elevator is jumping up and down like crazy at mid stick. Not all the way up and down, but more than a flutter...
  6. Bushwacker

    ServoCity Shipping

    So I ordered a set of servos from these guys on the 22 and have not seen or heard anything from them. I call and get no answer. They did give me a rcpt for my order though. So my question is... Is this typical from these guy's?
  7. Bushwacker

    48" Extra 300 EXP

    Does anyone here own one of these? If you do what kind of setup are you running? Any recommendations or info you would like to share? :p
  8. Bushwacker

    Best Aircraft Servos

    What in your opinion are the best servos on the market? Strength Resolution Speed Efficiency and so on, and what ever else I have missed. All I have known are Hitec in planes so my experience is limited to those. Heli's I have more experience with. I think speed, accuracy and strength are...
  9. Bushwacker

    E-Flite Beast 60e

    Anyone own or fly the Beast 60e and if so can you tell me about it please. Nevermind I found some good info here. http://3drcforums.com/showthread.php?1896-Eflite-Beast-60e
  10. Bushwacker

    ChinaHobby Batteries

    Does anyone run these batteries and if so how do you like them. Do they hold up well and how would you compare them to other batteries you have had? Im looking for some 6s 5000 mhA batts and when I saw there prices they got pretty attractive. :)
  11. Bushwacker


    @3DHS Can you tell us when you will have the 89" AJ Slick and the 87" Extra SHP back in stock? PLEASE! :bouncy:
  12. Bushwacker

    Which of all the 50cc is most stable

    As the title says. I am looking for opinions on what you think is the most stable or best behaved plane in the 50cc size is in the Redwing fleet. Something you would recommend to a newer pilot.
  13. Bushwacker

    Sport Plane

    Hey Guys and Girls, So I remember seeing a thread here about this little sport plane, however I can't remember the name of it. I was a fast little bugger think about 45 or 48 inches and electric. I was hoping someone would have an idea of what Im talking about. I know this is asking a lot, but...
  14. Bushwacker

    Must Have Tools

    In your opinion what are the: Must have tools for the RC Plane Hobby? Recommended Tools? Must have Building Supplies? Recommended Building Supplies? Everything from hand tools to electronics. Repair work to scratch build. What to bring to the field. I know this could get pretty involved, but...
  15. Bushwacker

    Custom Made Servo Wires and wiring

    So in an attempt to give back to 3drcf for giving me so much useful advice, I have some that will hopefully be good for someone here. I've looked around and haven't seen this type of stuff posted, so I don't think I'll be stepping on anyone's toes or double posting. If I do, I apologize and the...
  16. Bushwacker

    Battery Tray's

    How's it going guy's, So Im curious, does anyone make a battery tray for airplanes? If so where can I get one. Or is this something you have to custom make yourself? I have an idea for a tray that would slide forward and backwards so you can change your cg as you like, just don't have the means...
  17. Bushwacker

    Cold weather flying

    So it's going to be about 32 degrees and sunny today and I really want to take my new plane out for it's maiden. As Im new to this hobby I don't know what if any affect cold weather has on ultracoat or balsa or glue joints and so on. I know my Heli"s love this kind of weather, but don't know...