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Search results

  1. 3dmike

    Twisted Hobbys 30" Crack Pitts M12

    Twisted Hobbys 30" Crack Pitts M12 I will be doing a full build and review here sharing my thoughts with loads of pictures! Equipment: I chose the TH 30"-32" Power Combo Digital for this review. Why did you choose an "older" model? Well it's pretty simple! The son had one heck of an...
  2. 3dmike

    Aj aircraft - spring thaw sale!!!

    AJ AIRCRAFT - SPRING THAW SALE!!! Get yours today! Click here to go to AJ-Aircraft.com
  3. 3dmike

    Eat my foamy video!

    This one is on our sister site (RCFOAMIES.COM) and has to be one of the funniest videos I've ever seen! https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ACuXGTCQEmw From: http://rcfoamies.com/index.php?topic=158.0
  4. 3dmike

    Southeastern Model Show Event and Coverage By Supatim!

    @SupaTim is on his way to the Southeastern Model Show and will be doing some reporting for us! If you're in the area this event has always proved to be a monster of a gathering. If you're going make it be sure you post some of your own pics and get a selfie with Tim! LOL Let's see how many...
  5. 3dmike

    2015 3DBash Series!!!

    Hey guys! Are you getting your event calendar together yet? If so make sure you add our series to your schedule! This year is going to be amazing as we have 3 confirmed events and 2 more possibly that will be added to the schedule! Event Locations and Dates: Eugene Or Monster Fest / 3DBash -...
  6. 3dmike

    Official 3DRCF Build and Review - Twisted Hobbys 30" Crack Pitts M12

    Twisted Hobbys 30" Crack Pitts M12 I will be doing a full build and review here sharing my thoughts with loads of pictures! Equipment: I chose the TH 30"-32" Power Combo Digital for this review. Why did you choose an "older" model? Well it's pretty simple! The son had one heck of an...
  7. 3dmike

    New Product Hitec Press Release! - Hitec's MD10 & S60 Action Cameras are HERE!!

    Lights, Camera, Take Action! Hitec and AEE have combined forces to deliver two fantastic action cameras designed to capture your world in high definition precision. With lens and ultra resolution, you can video all the action and showcase your hobby talents with ease and style! Record your...
  8. 3dmike

    Twisted Hobbies 30" EPP Crack Pitts M12 Biplane Yellow

    Description: Twisted Hobbys is proud to offer the new Crack Pitts M12 biplane to our Crack Series of small EPP aircraft! The new Crack Pitts evolved from a very extensive design effort which started with the same formula and design concepts that created Chris Jewett's renowned Crack Yak. It...
  9. 3dmike

    AJ Aircraft - 93" Laser 230z

    Description: Whether you're looking to go out and do some 3d huckin' or lay down a smooth-as-butter precision flight, the 93" Laser 230z is for you! The wings have been thoroughly refined to allow precision flying, while not sacrificing any 3d characteristics. With a generous fuselage height...
  10. 3dmike

    AJ Aircraft - 73" Laser 230z

    Description: Whether you're looking to go out and go 3d huckin' or lay down a smooth-as-butter precision flight, the 73" Laser 230z is for you! The wings have been thoroughly refined to allow precision flying, while not sacrificing any 3d characteristics. With a generous fuselage height, the...
  11. 3dmike

    AJ Aircraft - 56" Laser 230z

    Description: Whether you're looking to go out and go 3d huckin' or lay down a smooth-as-butter precision flight, the 56" Laser 230z is for you! The wings have been thoroughly refined to allow precision flying, while not sacrificing any 3d characteristics. With a generous fuselage height, the...
  12. 3dmike

    Question? Lipo Bag?

    So I just want to hear from you guys if you all are using Lipo Bags to charge or not? I know first hand why we should be but wanted to hear from you all. I also have a motive for this question.... I own Lipobag.com and have been considering selling a good quality bag or line of bags at an...
  13. 3dmike

    Are you waiting for that plane to be back in stock? Wondering where the heck it is?

    Are you wondering where the heck your pre-ordered plane is? Or why a plane is taking so long to get back in stock might be? Well look above and the answer is right there! These are shipping barges that are ANCHORED off the coast waiting for the port disputes to get resolved. I have heard that...
  14. 3dmike

    AJ-Aircraft Coming Soon!

    I'm super excited to announce AJ-Aircraft as a sponsor here on our forums! We will be doing reviews, build threads and offer this space as a support forum as well! Stay tuned! More to come!
  15. 3dmike

    Want to win a LightRC foamie?

    Hey guys if you are interested in foamies check out our new sister site RCFoamies.com! We have a contest going on for when we reach 75 members (which is any day now) I will pull a members name and that member will get to choose from any plane that LightRC carries! Check it out at by clicking...
  16. 3dmike

    What radio do you use?

    Just do a shout out of what radio you currently use and if you like it! I personally have been attached to my Futaba T7 2.4ghz for years now. I do need to upgrade to say a Futaba T10J or the T14SG so i can use telemetry but my T7 has been faithful for many years. I am not one that has to have...
  17. 3dmike

    RedwingRC 30cc Segev ARTiculate!

    This last year the Segev Brother's and Frank Liu shocked the World when they announced they had formed a partnership with the goal in mind to create one of the best "All Around" Freestyle design and at an affordable price. They did just that and now they have one of the best companies selling...
  18. 3dmike

    Las Vegas, Nevada 3DBash

    Las Vegas 3D Bash has been canceled due to an issue that could not be overcome! Please join us at one of the other 3DBash's happening across the country! - 3DRCF
  19. 3dmike

    RedwingRC Pilot Joe Smith Flies For the Prince of Dubai!!!

    So not to long ago (2012) Joe and his Father Jim Smith were invited to Dubai to fly for the Prince! Whoa what a invite and amazing opportunity! Here is some videos that capture the time spent with him. Jim was flying for 3DHS at the time but is now proud to call RedwingRC his home. If you...
  20. 3dmike

    Eugene, Oregon Monster Fest/3DBASH August 21st-23rd 2015!!

    The Eugene Oregon Monster Fest 2015 is confirmed for August 21st through the 23rd! Details: The Monster Fest has been picking up speed year after year and last year was no exception with 50+ pilots and over 1100 spectators! We are in discussion with a couple ARF manufacturers for the coveted...