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    We're 1st in Giant Scale RC because we've got the best membership on the internet! Take a look around and don't forget to register to get all of the benefits of GSN membership!


Search results

  1. Bartman

    Getting started in Giant Scale RC---Tools and Supplies

    Here's the first of what will be a series geared toward covering the topics people need to get started in RC flying with an emphasis on Giant Scale. It's posted on the front page of the site under The Schoolhouse. I want to hear from you guys! What's the one tool in the...
  2. Bartman

    New GSN T-shirt thread

    Hi guys, I'm working on another batch of t-shirts and just need to know how many to order. More importantly, I need to know what sizes. If you want to go ahead and get dibs on the next batch please post here and we'll call that a pre-order. Thanks! Bart
  3. Bartman

    NEAT Fair 2014----->Saturday, 13 Sept

    I arrived at the site last night a little after 7 PM and it was a gorgeous night with a lot of folks taking advantage of clear skies to do some night flying. the guys from my local flying field had invited me to join them for dinner so I found my friend Scott, got settled in and then joined up...
  4. Bartman

    Booma RC lands in the Vendor Support Forums!

    Australia loves Giant Scale RC and Booma RC is where you'll find the accessories and supplies to get flying! Welcome to the vendor forums Booma RC!
  5. Bartman

    Welcoming White Rose Engineering to the Vendor Forums!

    Welcome to the site Vern! We're glad to have you here! :joyous: Bartman
  6. Bartman

    GSN welcomes Fibertech N More to the Vendor Support area!

    Thanks for participating at the site guys!
  7. Bartman

    GSN at the NEAT Fair, Sept 12-14

    Who's going to the NEAT Fair? Staying for the weekend? www.neatfair.org The plan was to be there for the day on Saturday but it's looking more like I'll be heading up there Friday and staying the night. It will depend on the weather forecast but let's hear from you...
  8. Bartman


    If you have any of the service providers listed above either for your email service or web/email hosting, PLEASE BE ADVISED YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO RECEIVE EMAILS FROM ME AND/OR THE WEBSITE. Some of you may have been able to get through our registration system and are receiving...
  9. Bartman

    **sticky** Understanding Lithium Polymer Batteries

    I wrote this for the multirotorforums.com site about a year ago and figured some of y'all would find it helpful so I'm reposting it. In researching a few questions I had on Lithium Polymer batteries recently it occurred to me that it would be nice if we had a comprehensive LiPo battery...
  10. Bartman

    JR 9503, radio set up for a servo on each aileron

    I've recently switched from a JR 9503 DSM2 to a DSMX and I'm trying get my Swift back in the air. It has two aileron servos, one is plugged into the aileron channel and the other aileron servo is plugged into the Flaps channel and it's been a while since I set this up so I'm starting from...
  11. Bartman

    **sticky** Giant Scale according to the IMAA guidelines

    Hi folks, since we're declaring ourselves the greatest Giant Scale RC website of the known and unknown regions of the world it would probably be a good idea if we declared what Giant Scale is. The definition has traditionally been defined by what the International Miniature Aircraft...
  12. Bartman

    3D and CG

    Guys, I mentioned to someone in another thread to move the CG back to make their sim 3D better. In thinking about it though, how much do you have to move it and can a regular sport plane 3D? Is it just having monster throws and power or does CG have to be moved a lot? A while...
  13. Bartman

    Topics and a build thread for the new guys

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to line up an airframe that i can use to do a video series for people new to giant scale RC or just new to RC in general. I'd like to hear from the members that are just getting started with the questions that are out there here are a few safety...
  14. Bartman

    GiantScaleNews.com welcome Esprit Model to the Vendor Support forum

    Welcome to the party Kasi and Esprit Model! US dealer of Jeti and Graupner radio systems and a lot of other RC stuff! Glad to have you here! Bart
  15. Bartman

    Passed through the 700 member mark last night!

    9:40 AM on the east coast and we're at 722 members.....we can be picking the winner of the DA-50 over the weekend if we keep this up! :dancing-chicken:
  16. Bartman

    So where is everyone from? Countries? States?

    We've had a pretty heavy flow of new members in the last twenty four hours or so and I'm seeing email addresses from around the world. Who's here and from where? For me it's simple, the Garden State, USA......aka New Jersey!
  17. Bartman

    Best RC Simulator??

    I've got an old version of a popular one but what's best these days other than that one that I wouldn't ever buy? It would probably run on a MAC but a PC only version would work too. I've gotta get back in fighting form! Thanks, Bart
  18. Bartman

    Official Thread....Show Us Your NAD's!!

    We've gotten to know each other a little better these last ten days and it's time we take the next step, you know, where we're less like strangers. What better way to do this than to share our NAD's with each other. So here's my contribution to get this started........ (Congratulations would...
  19. Bartman

    A big hand for Sleepy and Nick

    We've officially launched the new look and I think SleepyC and Nick (of NachosCheese.net) did a beautiful job. Now we can get moving with the swag......finally! :big dance:
  20. Bartman

    How to help giantscalenews.com grow

    Hi guys, Can you please do us a favor? Whenever you start a new thread, please put the words Giant Scale, and Giant Scale RC in the keywords line at the bottom of the new thread page. You can also put in words that are relevant to the post like Desert Aircraft, PAU....whatever it is the...