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Search results

  1. SleepyC

    Spend $100+ get 20% off Flowers!

    Purchase $100+ of cool stuff from Horizon Hobby and get a 20% off coupon for 1-800-Flowers!! To receive the 20% off coupon code, you must make a HorizonHobby.com purchase or phone order to Horizon Hobby at 800-338-4639 between February 2, 2015 and February 13, 2015 that meets or exceeds $100...
  2. SleepyC

    Weird Idea for Joe Nall.... Community Plane.. Built at the NALL!

    Ok so I had an idea as I was in the shop today. Ever have a piece of gear that isn’t useful by itself but would work to get a plane flying? Like 1 servo... or a muffler or a ??? CAN WE... the GSN crew piece together a GSN community plane to assemble and then fly at Joe Nall? I’ll start...
  3. SleepyC

    Hobbico Advertising Team Wins "Creative Ad of the Year" Award

    Hobbico Advertising Team Wins "Creative Ad of the Year" Award At the 2015 Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) Expo this January, Model Aviation magazine presented Hobbico with its coveted "Creative Ad of the Year" trophy — an award that honors creativity, visual impact, and success at conveying...
  4. SleepyC

    Hey guys, who's ready for a GSN contest? WIN A FUTABA T10J

    Hey guys, who's ready for a GSN contest? No one??? WOW... Ok no problem, I guess I'll just keep the prize for myself........ I KID I KID! Chances are if you are in a colder part of the world right now then you are probably up to your eyeballs in snow and blowing cold dreaming of warmer days...
  5. SleepyC

    WANTED! VIDEO of the Redwing RC YAK 55 50cc.

    WANTED! VIDEO of the Redwing RC YAK 55 50cc. First person to turn in this WRECKLESS DANGEROUS BEAST can claim a $100 Redwing Bucks Reward! Now that we have a couple dozen of these beautiful planes out there it's time to get some customer videos. Can you be the first cowboy to do it? To...
  6. SleepyC

    GiantScaleNews.com’s 2015 “Group Therapy” Tour Coming Soon!

    Hey guys, in the winter of 2005 I came up with an idea to plan and host a 3D fly-in in the middle-of-nowhere-Ohio the following year. My buddy MadMax (at the time the head pimp of FlyingCirkus) said “Hold on Sleepy,changes are a coming”. So I held on to my idea for a month. Then Jan 1st, 2006...
  7. SleepyC

    2015 eFest Presented by Hobbico!

    Hey guys, GSN will be out at the 2015 eFest checking things out and bring back some nice coverage! I know for a fact we will have some nice exclusive interviews, tons of pictures and hopefully some nice new product videos! So stay tuned! If you have never been to an eFest, it’s the winter break...
  8. SleepyC

    93” AJ Airplanes 93” Laser 230z ready to ship!

    Hey guys, just got off the horn with my good buddy Mr. Andrew Jesky and he has informed me that the AJ Aircraft 93” Laser 230z’s are about ready to ship and they are going FAST! SO heads up.. if you want one... GET ONE NOW! CLICK HERE! Now available! Should begin shipping by 1/19. Whether...
  9. SleepyC

    Sleepy’s Daughters 1st B-day.

    Hey guys, this week we celebrated my daughters (Beatrice Olivia Cinch) first B-day! She was born at 1.24PM Jan 7t 2013 and today was her party! The would of RC is great but if you can’t be STOKED on family... I can’t hang with ya. :D
  10. SleepyC

    New Release: ASW 20 4.7m ARF - A Tribute To The Full Size ASW 20

    Hey guys, saw a post on Pete Goldsmith’s facebook page about the new UBER glider coming from Horizon. 4.7 Meter wing span I think classifies as BIG! Check this bad box out! Overview Soaring offers a sense of adventure that uniquely connects a pilot to the environment in a way that’s both...
  11. SleepyC

    Iiiiiiiiiiittttttt’s FRigginG COLD YO.....

    Screw this, I’m out of here... This SUCKS. :(
  12. SleepyC


    FROM Lee Estingoy I'm thrilled to announce that my company will be the exclusive US distributor for all Hacker Motor products. I look forward to working with all the great US dealers and pilots to bring Hacker's quality products to the US RC market with the outstanding service that has made...
  13. SleepyC

    A Solid 8 CH 2.4GHz Radio for $179.97? YES Tactic TTX850

    If you have been looking for a great 2nd radio, or even an upgrade from a four or six channel radio Hobbico via Tactic has you covered with the 8 channel TTX850! Hobbico recently sent me the Tactic TTX850 to check out. The brown truck arrived and dropped off a package yesterday. As I am still a...
  14. SleepyC

    DA-70 2 into 1 Header Now Available!

    Can it! From Tony Russo at DA, "We now have in stock the 2 into one headers for the DA 70. They work real well with the MTW TD 110 can. As you can see in the pictures I used 3 half mounts to secure the can. Installation is in the Extreme Flight 91" Extra. The headers have a 63mm drop and im...
  15. SleepyC

    What is YOUR RC Prediction For 2015?

    Hey guys it's that time of year when we get to make predictions! Just a a few years ago on a completely different "network" I personally predicted the full on arrival of 30cc airplanes and BAM... they hit! So what are your thoughts? What will 2015 hold in store for RC? New radio systems? New...
  16. SleepyC

    Scale GP Citabria Build (part 4 coming!)

    Hey guys, sorry for the delay, I’ve been working 50 - 60 hours a week to pay bills so extra time has not been my friend. My wife gave me some time this weekend so I got a ton done! Part 4 coming soon, and FLIGHTS!
  17. SleepyC

    WELL - Wha'cha Get??

    OK guys, what ya get? It's been a lean year in the Cinch household this year so besides the kids gifts were sparse... bu the wifie gave me 4 "4 hour shop passes"... Whoo hoo! using two this weekend! Citabria here I come!!!
  18. SleepyC

    Jase Dussia Heading To India!

    Hey guys, how cool is this! My personal good buddy, XFC Champ, King 50 Champ and general Giant Scale RC advocate Jase Dussia has been invited to India to represent he US as, well basically a BAD ASS RC PILOT! And GSN 100% endorses this! Good luck Jase! Please bring back video for us all! We...
  19. SleepyC

    Trailer Park Boys Christmas Greeting

    Oh hey ya hoser, take off and wish the boys a Merry Christmas!