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Search results

  1. SleepyC

    Happy Saint Patrick's Day

    Saint Patrick's Day Guys! I hope everyone that celebrates this Holiday has a fun safe day! From Wiki: Saint Patrick's Day, or the Feast of Saint Patrick (Irish: Lá Fhéile Pádraig, "the Day of the Festival of Patrick"), is a cultural and religious celebration held on 17 March, the traditional...
  2. SleepyC

    Frazer Briggs - New PBG Extra 300

    Frazer Briggs facebook post: Hours of sanding, polishing moulds, wax on / wax off, painting etc ... All done !!! Only took 18 months. PBG Extra 300 #3.
  3. SleepyC


    Hey guys, just got word from our good friend Herve from PAU that he has a pile of new planes hitting the shores soon!! Check this out!! New 100cc- 120cc Extra: 105" designed around the DA-120 New 35cc - 40cc Extra: 76", 11.5lbs designed around the Valley View 40 Twin 35cc - 40cc Edge: 76"...
  4. SleepyC

    New Release: JR 28x "Introduction"

    Matty Matt dropping some science... Published on Mar 12, 2015 Introduction of the JR Propo 28x DMSS RC transmitter system. Overview of the case, and physical aspects of the radio. For more info: JR PROPO
  5. SleepyC

    ****AVOID YOUTUBE!!!! NO 3D Flights or RC Anything!*** FAA has deemed youtube videos "Commercial"

    http://motherboard.vice.com/read/the-faa-says-you-cant-post-drone-videos-on-youtube Remember "planes = Drones" to the FAA. WUT!??!?!?!
  6. SleepyC

    RANT..... I can't win....

    Ok. I'm sorry to vent but I can't help it and I need to. I have been working hard, like REAL hard latelyjust to stay afloat. And that's fine. That is what America is about. You get knocked down, you get up and you work hard and you rise above it. I'm 100% cool with that, and am not looking for...
  7. SleepyC

    Aj Aircraft 73" Spring Thaw Sale!

    Hey guys, been wanting a brand new AJ 73" Laser but were waiting for a sale? Well it's HERE! Get one now! Only $399.99 More info... www.aj-aircraft.com
  8. SleepyC

    Kal looks HAPPY with his new Dalton Yak!

    Nice work Tony! Kal looks pumped!
  9. SleepyC

    Escapade MX 30cc ARF by Great Planes

    A breeze to build. A pleasure to fly. Designed for 30-35 cc gasoline and electric power, the Escapade MX is a sport pilot's dream come true. Not only does it handle low-speed maneuvers and high-speed aerobatics with equal authority, its low parts count and self-aligning tail surfaces help keep...
  10. SleepyC

    Support the Sponsors!

    Hey guys, do me a solid and when you have a second click the ad banners and check out the products our advertisers have. When they change the banners or every few days give the banners a click. These companies are showing their support for us, I'd love us to support them. Also (probably not by...
  11. SleepyC

    Southeastern Modelers 2nd annual Breast Cancer Fly-in!

    Southeastern Modelers Rc Flying Club AMA #4957 Are getting together once again to raise money for Breast Cancer research! Nice work guys! Hope some GSN members can make it out! Looks like a great field and a great bunch of guys! Our field has a 100' X 750' grass runway, pit area, safety...
  12. SleepyC

    Who Will Be The First Big Winner At The 2015 Toledo Show?!?!

    SO.... Who Will Be The First Big Winner At The 2015 Toledo Show?!?! Who is it going to be? What will they win? What do they have to do? How many will win? How do you get a chance? Wait.....WHAT? 2015 TOLEDO!!! GSN!!! The squirrel has left the nest, but the woodchuck has not made it...
  13. SleepyC

    Redwing RC has Smoke - Miracle Smoke Pump!

    Miracle Smoke Pump Outfitting your plane with a smoke system can be a really neat feature. Whether you are flying solo or in formation, a smoke system is a sure way to impress your friends at the field or the crowd at an event. The Smoke Pump from Miracle is a great choice because it features...
  14. SleepyC

    It's about time to ask... What Can We Do Better!

    Ok guys, the site has been rocking along for some time now and we have built up a great bunch of guys. Bart and I have done our best to make the site easy to use, fun to be on and rock solid. The one area we know we are lacking is available time to bring you every bit of industry news that is...
  15. SleepyC

    Get your event on the homepage!

    Hey guys, help me help you! I'm happy to help promote any upcoming flyer's that members are hosting (or their clubs!) Just email me at sleepyc (at) giantscalenews.com. Make sure I have all the information I may need and a graphic/photo at least big enough that I can make it into a leading edge...
  16. SleepyC

    RJ Gritter's Senior Class "BAD ASS" Project...

    SO I don't know TOO much about this except it's RJ's Senior project for college, and it appears to be a VTOL plane... I do know and can say it is 100% BAD ASS! hopefully @RJ Gritter can weigh in a bit. :D:D Anyways... Check it out!!! Like I said BAD ASS!
  17. SleepyC

    Flyzone L-39: the 90+ mph “no-sweat” jet!

    Not "Giant Scale" but certainly BAD ASS! Flyzone L-39: the 90+ mph “no-sweat” jet! A high-speed pass “on the deck” is a thrill that most modelers would enjoy — and the Flyzone L-39 EDF jet offers them a fast, easy way to do just that. Power for that kind of airspeed comes from a proven...
  18. SleepyC

    And the Winners Are!

    Ok guys, once again thanks to Chris Barnes for this awesome prize set! If you want to purchase some blocks, just hit up Chris! OK.. the winners are: PM me your info and I'll get it to Chris! Thanks guys! Awesome contest!
  19. SleepyC

    GSN Lets Pick A Winner!

    Ok guys Chris Barnes's sanding blocks are ready to be given away! T recap we have two sets of these bad boys that are going to two lucky members that you will pick! Specs All made of solid Oak 10" long for the large one 5" long for the small one. Each had 2 coats of clear polyurethane. Sand...
  20. SleepyC

    CONTEST TIME!! - Custom Sanding Blocks!!

    CALLING ALL BUILDERS! CALLING ALL BUILDERS! HERE YE HERE YE! This contest is for you! GSN member Cbarnes (Christopher Barnes) makes BEAUTIFUL custom sanding blocks and sells them for very reasonable prices. And he has donated TWO full sets for TWO of you to win! (Edited from 1 set to 2! HOW...