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Search results

  1. SleepyC

    This is COOL: Watch what happens when thunderstorms strike the world's busiest airpor

    Watch what happens when thunderstorms strike the world's busiest airport, Atlanta-Hartsfield. Air Traffic Controllers earning their beans! :chuncky:
  2. SleepyC

    PICK the GSN FINAL LOGO! - Guys need your input!

    So Bart and I have been going back and forth with our good buddy Nick" Nachoscheese" designing the logo. As the site kind of happened organically we didn't have time to really tweak the logo. But finally we have a few versions done and we want your opinion. A few are not 100% complete...
  3. SleepyC

    Banter about me SleepyC on FG.

    Hey guys, I do not have access to FG anymore and that's actually fine, I'm honestly glad. But I have been sent some screen shots of some banter that is going on with the members and my ex-employeer. There are always two sides to any story, And obviously when emotions are involved each...
  4. SleepyC

    Pretty Stoked about this Purchase. GSN video coverage is gonna RAWK!

    Hey guys, I have loved doing event coverage the past 8 years and I didn't want to half ass it with this new venture. (Also my old employers took all my stuff even though I had burned out all my personal gear during the first 4 years...) So to help me out my good buddy Fred Midgett was...
  5. SleepyC

    Higher Plane Productions GSN 50% OFF sale!!!

    Incase you missed the home page article!! Hey guys, our good buddy Mr. Fred Midget from Higher Plane Productions is off living the life with his beautiful lady friend, but he still has some killer videos, DVD and swag for sale! To show his support for GSN, he said “Hey Sleepy tell all...
  6. SleepyC

    GSN - Spread the word!

    Hey guys, we are still not done with all the upgrades and bug fixing, but the conversations and info being spread is really going well. SO feel free to drop a dime to some buddies and let them know we are hear. I'd appreciate if ya'wwll would be classy about it though. Please don't spam other...
  7. SleepyC

    *****Members, We would like your input on advertising banners.*****

    Ok, obviously to make it out to shows and afford to do cool things the site has to produce revenue. This is not a secret or a hidden agenda. As much as I am a hippy, money enables coolstuff to happen. BUT.. we would like your input. We are designing the advertising system here on...
  8. SleepyC

    GSN Logo files for Non-Commercial use Only. Vector format.

    Hey guys, Please abide by this simple request. There are quite a few people working hard in the background helping us out get things up and running here at GSN. The Logo was a huge help. SO please respect our wishes here. Obviously we are grateful if any members would like...
  9. SleepyC

    What is this Scale Flying, Techniques forum? What do I post here?!

    Ok, so you are building a new scale warbird, and you are searching for the perfect "metal skin". You search for 3 months, order 5 different products and finally the 5th on wis the JAM! It looks great. It took you 3 attempts to get it on properly but now after all that hassle your plane looks...
  10. SleepyC

    VENDORS: If you would like a company support forum.....

    Vendors... if you would like a support forum, just ask. Send me a PM with company name and an email for the person that will receive and respond to posts as your forums support person. Thanks! SC
  11. SleepyC

    Why I hate foamies....

    So many people ask why I don't build foamies, but I will fly them if other people built them. Here is why. Many years ago around 2006 I believe, I was building what was then a state of the art foamie. The Ultimate Biplane that Hobbico was distributing. It weighed like 4 lbs, but...
  12. SleepyC

    OK.. why is there a camping section?

    So as I was at a fly-in a few weeks back, I noticed that there was more camping gear being used than most KOA camp grounds. So lets spread some knowledge! What works, what doesn't? What Easy Up's last through a Joe Nall micro burst?! Drop some knowledge. I'm going to pursue getting some...
  13. SleepyC

    First Ever GSN Show Up, Throw Down. Sept 26 - 28th Rolla , MO - WE WILL BE HERE!

    Ok.. not to step on Bryan Zangs toes as he has worked hard to get this fly-in up and running, but we are. We are coming in full force! Bryan is an OG in the world of giant scale and the list of "attendees " is insane. If you are new to this hobby, or a lurker waiting to attend an event, this is...