I knocked one out in my 120LX and used a 4/40 brass threaded insert from ACE hardware....a small brass bushing...threaded 4/40 on the inside....lag bolt thread around the outside...works very well.
I've also successfully re-installed a blind nut in a 119 wing by running a string down through the hole with a music-wire weight on the end....putting the blind nut on the wire at the wing root....then bending the music wire to hold the nut on...pull the string up the wing and seat it in the wingtip....use a 4/40 and big washer to fully seat it....then thin CA to make it permanent....after the CA dries...a 4/40 tap to clean the threads....done.
You can thin CA the factory ones and then clean the threads with a tap....to make sure no more fall out.
I always seem to knock them out by having a screw loosely threaded in and bumping the screw inward....