70cc twin V2
I was back that way a few weeks ago to pick my son up from College in Nebraska. We drove back via I-90 and I swear I have NEVER seen so many State troopers! There was one sitting at about every other exit. We were pulled over and ticketed for doing 85 in an 80, trooper was travelling East on the other side of the Interstate and actually flipped a bitch in the median to pull us over! Sounds like Naughty Monkey was much luckier than we were!There are all kinds of highway patrol on I 29 south.... fyi in case anyone is coming from the north.
That is how it was all the way through SD. Wyoming, didn't see a single trooper. Montana, saw ONE trooper through the whole state. Idaho and Washington combined, we saw ONE. In Washington, 60 means 70, and 70 means 80!! I've never been pulled over on the Interstate in Washington unless I was traveling 10 mph or better over the posted limit. I think SD needs to put a few signs up that say, "80 means 80!". (Still probably WOULDN'T have saved us a ticket!
