Cornhuckfest still going strong! 1:38am
its over for me.
2:56 am
Family in bed sleeping, and God I miss them!
id like to just hit a couple points or thoughts down while fresh in my head.
I'm back home, unpacked, (at least my truck is clean again

)and a bunch of engines and servos scattered throughout my garage. losing 2 100cc aircraft wasnt what I had in mind, and i know there was a bit of carnage from motors not running at peak and some other issues with a few other folks.
some folks felt bad for me that i had a couple radio problems. Oddly enough, i was very fortunate and most important I only killed a lot of corn! Safety at the event was held in high regard. Good job to everyone in that respect!
But I must confess something here:
some may say the event is about flying aircraft. well sure it is, BUT...
any of us could have stayed close to home and flew in a pasture or what not.
What I am most thankful for is the time spent with old friends, and the opportunity to meet a lot of new ones. Ya'll all a bunch of class acts, the lot of ya. Kudos to the FBI gang for keeping it real... and keeping it fresh and getting everyone involved in the fun!
Personally speaking, I've had a rough past few months. Not going to get into that cuz we all have our problems.
But, I'm truly blessed to have spent two days with the best gang of crazy SOBs' on planet earth.
so thank you guys! Stay real. Until we meet again, Pat out!