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3dhs 89 slick


Don't joke about that, I'm sensitive to slick torture!

So what is the license plate of your dad's car? Hmmm....he lives in Barrington right?
What is his address; I go through Barrington all the time (I can drive Route 14 in my sleep, and have :)) and I'd like to stop and say hello to him. ;)


GSN Contributor
Fuse is fixed!

Humberto is a magician!


GSN Contributor
Post 81 (http://www.3drcforums.com/showthread.php?59-3dhs-89-slick&p=14416&viewfull=1#post14416 ) showed some, but the firewall attaching to the fuse was broken at four places, the motor was flooded and had to be disassembled and cleaned, all the spars across the bottom of the fuse were broken, and some other assorted wood in and around the fuel tank tray inside.

Maybe it wasn't as dramatic as I made it sound, but I'm extremely grateful to my friend Humberto who spent his spare time fixing her, as I'd have been too busy to even try for a month or two.



have you had a chance to test the electronics yet?

Post 81 (http://www.3drcforums.com/showthread.php?59-3dhs-89-slick&p=14416&viewfull=1#post14416 ) showed some, but the firewall attaching to the fuse was broken at four places, the motor was flooded and had to be disassembled and cleaned, all the spars across the bottom of the fuse were broken, and some other assorted wood in and around the fuel tank tray inside.

Maybe it wasn't as dramatic as I made it sound, but I'm extremely grateful to my friend Humberto who spent his spare time fixing her, as I'd have been too busy to even try for a month or two.
