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3dhs 89 slick


GSN Contributor
My 89 is almost ready for a maiden I'm using the dle 60 twin and looks like I have to move some stuff back to get the Cg close, with the heavier motor and smoke pump on the motor box opposite the ign. It's nose heavy. There's not alot of places to mount the pump behind the spar (at least on the older version, yellow scheme there isn't). Only a little narrow piece of ply between the servo and spar. Ill see what I can do and report back.


I would love to see the pics and hear details on the setup. I don't think many out there are flying with the 60 twin yet?

When's the maiden? I'll make sure to be there! Maybe we can double-maiden that and my 30cc Extra? :)

Soon as it warms up a little I'm nervous to fly it with a brand new motor and temps below freezing. I don't like the idea of doing the first tune with those temps. Ill def pm you when it's time


70cc twin V2
Ive often wondered if gassers give trouble when it is very cold out for the northeners. I could see them rocking along at higher rpms but wondered if they would get too cold and flame out more at the lower ends like when harrier or elevators,etc.I may be overthinking things tho.


GSN Contributor
Cool, sounds good....but the weather isn't looking to good for this weekend. :(

Just saw that is has changed some, but still looks flyable:

[h=3]Sun Jan 27[/h]
73[SUP]° [/SUP]/ 62[SUP]°[/SUP]
Chance of rain: 10%
Wind: SSE at 13 mph


Hmmm... Saturday looks much better. I wonder if I can change to an earlier flight. Maybe worth looking into...


70cc twin V2
As long as there's no fog or moister in the air, should be fine. If it starts raining we can just throw the planes under the cabana inclosure. Plus, this is Texas, it will change in 2 hours....