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3dhs 92" Edge 540

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GSN Contributor
Alright, time to start!

This build log is obviously for the new 3DHS 92" Edge 540, 50/60cc airplane. For our setup, we're going with the following items:

Engine: GP 61cc from www.limitlessaero.com
Servos: HS-9370TH Brushless, Titanium, HV servos from www.hitecrcd.com
Bling: Fuel Dot, Servo Arms, Pull-Pull turnbuckles from www.aztechaeromodels.com
Power: Glacier 2200mAh 2s LiPo Batteries from www.buddyrc.com
Control: Spektrum AR9110 DSMX Power Safe Reciever

Here is the ARF kit spread out:

As usual, the covering is well applied, and looks great! Not even a wrinkle to fix :) :)

Unpacked the accessories bag, there is a lot to sort through:

Got the fuse on my build stand, and took a minute to admire the fast lines of the fuse design, and peak inside the fuse and canister tunnel:

I noticed immediately how easy it'll be to access the landing gear bolts to tighten them down. :D

Joe's Dad

70cc twin V2
This is how they fly when your done with assembly



GSN Contributor
Always love watching Joe fly :)

Back to the build:

Started with the tailwheel because that's what's first in the manual. So after loosing a few tiller arms over the last season, I'm modifying mine to prevent that from happening again.
I drilled through, and put an extra collar and set screw on it, and also filled a flat part for the main set screw to grip:



GSN Contributor
Time for the main gear: I got the steel axle setup in my vise, and I tried drilling through to install a cotter pin, but all my drill bit did was make the axle mad...

So instead I just sanded a flat spot and tightened the set screw the best I could.
For me, some mini needle nose vise grips worked good to hold the gear bolt for tightening.

One boot needed new holes drilled, as the pre-drilled ones weren't lined up. Got the cooling cutouts done, and main gear installed.


70cc twin V2
Congrats on grabbing one while they were around. I love the white but looks like I'll have to wait for the next batch. Any chance you can measure the width of the cowl just behind the inlets or widest spot? Thinking of a twin under the hood...

Av8r RC

Time for the main gear: I got the steel axle setup in my vise, and I tried drilling through to install a cotter pin, but all my drill bit did was make the axle mad...
View attachment 17129

I never could get a hand drill to go thru those steel shafts. But as soon as I threw it up on my drill press at work it went thru like butter. You just can't get enough force with a hand drill.

Lookin' good


GSN Contributor
Congrats on grabbing one while they were around. I love the white but looks like I'll have to wait for the next batch. Any chance you can measure the width of the cowl just behind the inlets or widest spot? Thinking of a twin under the hood...

Widest spot appears to be 27cm

I never could get a hand drill to go thru those steel shafts. But as soon as I threw it up on my drill press at work it went thru like butter. You just can't get enough force with a hand drill.

Lookin' good

Yeah, I figured. My hand drill probably isn't spinning at the optimum rpm either, and who knows if I'm even using the right still bit.
Time to read Ben's drilling article again :)

And then....

And then I started on the control horns....
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