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hey have a quick question before i go out flying today . whats the do's and donts on extending wires on esc and servos. also about jumpers inbetween batterys and esc's.

also can i extend any of the wires on an esc.


i have a CC esc that the wire that goes to Rx is short about 2-3" can i use a really short servo extension on that? i need a couple more inches to get to the receiver. i can make it now but i have to mount the esc on the bottom of the motor box for the esc and the rudder/elevator servo to reach the rx. also could i connect a short extension on the existing rudd/elev servo extension until i getone longer extensions? if i mount the esc to side of motor box then rudd/elev servo wires are short a couple of inches.

i also run telemetry and i have made a very short jumper with the telemetry soldered onto it. it goes between the battery and esc, is there a problem doing this? didnt know if its hard on the lipo and or the esc


Re: 3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC thread

Why not extend the servos leads and mount the esc in a place where it gets proper cooling?

On the telemetry, the short battery, telemetry, esc jumper has been done by others so you should be fine as long as it's short.


Why not extend the servos leads and mount the esc in a place where it gets proper cooling?

On the telemetry, the short battery, telemetry, esc jumper has been done by others so you should be fine as long as it's short.

im at the field now and seems like temps are decent atm. but this summer they will be hotter. im out of leads atm and the closest LHS aint so local. i had a hobbywing 60amp in the same exact spot and it ran about 25 degrees or so cooler than the ice lite 50 i have in there now.


You can add a servo extension to the ESC just don't extend the battery leads.

so im doing it wrong. i have about a 2" jumper for telemetry between my lipo and esc with EC3 on each end. technically that would be extended battery leads, right?

reason i did it that way in the first place was for convenience just didnt know if that was wrong.


yea i thought i read that before, for some reason i woke up this morning and that was the first thing i thougt. must had a bad plane crash dream or something :D ive read and studied so much in the past 6 month some things get scatterbrain'd. ive probably been lucky so far, because ive been flying with the jumper for a couple months now. will be fixin it this evening.


yea i thought i read that before, for some reason i woke up this morning and that was the first thing i thougt. must had a bad plane crash dream or something :D ive read and studied so much in the past 6 month some things get scatterbrain'd. ive probably been lucky so far, because ive been flying with the jumper for a couple months now. will be fixin it this evening.
I've heard as long as the battery leads, this includes leads on the ESC and the actual battery, should be no longer than 12''. So you can probably extend them a little but usually it's not a good idea. If you must extend the battery leads adding a CC Cap pack will help with the voltage ripple that occurs from making the leads longer.