now wait just a minute! Them are fighting words! Haha just kidding
everyone knows yellow is better.
Nah.... Red always flies best except in the case of Slicks...then the orange...
now wait just a minute! Them are fighting words! Haha just kidding
everyone knows yellow is better.
Red or blue only for this new airframe… yellow I wonder why?????hehe
ok, I'll have to admit, the red really pops on this airframe. :thumbup:
yellow would be a close second for me...much easier to see (for me anyway) than the blue.
p.s. that's a your avatar!
Hey guys, I was hoping to get some feedback on this airplane. I won a blue Vyper Bype at the Austin Hucktoberfest, THANK YOU 3DHS! However, one of my buddies started talking about how he did not like the way it flew. I have always wanted a biplane and from watching the videos it seems straight up style!
So are there any flight updates from us normal people yet?
Hey guys, I was hoping to get some feedback on this airplane. I won a blue Vyper Bype at the Austin Hucktoberfest, THANK YOU 3DHS! However, one of my buddies started talking about how he did not like the way it flew. I have always wanted a biplane and from watching the videos it seems straight up style!
So are there any flight updates from us normal people yet?
Hey guys, I was hoping to get some feedback on this airplane. I won a blue Vyper Bype at the Austin Hucktoberfest, THANK YOU 3DHS! However, one of my buddies started talking about how he did not like the way it flew. I have always wanted a biplane and from watching the videos it seems straight up style!
So are there any flight updates from us normal people yet?
Just out of curiosity, since the plane is really new.....has your friend actually flown one? or just based his opinion on something he saw?
Steve... curiosity killed the cat
Not everyone has 10 planes NIB in their build queue
I'm sure his friend flew it and didn't like it for some reason.... oh well. I don't like HK planes