I flew the byper. Impression is that it's SUPER responsive. Like, ULTRA SUPER responsive especially in roll and yaw. I did a snap and wound up doing a perfect 1 and 1/4 snap because the ailerons are so fast. Looked very cool but scared me to death. Ha ha. In harrier it was rocking a little but that was totally my fault. It was my first flight with the girl and I didn't know what she likes yet.A couple more flights and the rock would be gone I'm sure. Which pretty much sums up my impression of it. It is a capable plane that while being a little different than a monoplane, can certainly do all the same stuff once you get a little experience with it. No "bad tendencies", but a little different than monoplanes so expect it to surprise you a couple times.
I would love to add one to my hangar.
Do it!!!