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Scale 50% Dalotel 165

cut the dacron this morning, and just barely had enough, like old saying , when pay too little, you pay too much, but in this case it was spot on, lucky I guess


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Bonjour Roger !
J'espère que tu vas bien de l'autre côté de l'Atlantique ? :happy:
Alors comment se porte ton Dalotel ?
Amicalement :way_to_go:
Alors oui tout vas bien ici. Le Dalotel aussi se porte bien, pas beaucoup de photo, parce que presentment c'est le primer and peinture sur l'autre ail.
Bientot je vais calibrer les freins et las je vais prendre plus de photo.

Here it is going very well thank you and also the Dalotel, not too many pictures of late because it would be still the same as before since I am doing the other wing,
Soon will be calibrating the brakes so will take more photos.
I have been trying to paint the other wing, the yellow that is, and big problem to color match, so I will have to repaint any part with yellow already, plus the other parts not painted yet, Not a happy camper but it is what it is