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Scale 50% Dalotel 165

The job which is my least favorite but it has to be done, also redoing the turn and bank for the rear instrument panel, removed the two fuel tanks, and replacing them with on single 3 liter fuel tank with low fuel sensor,


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Is it aluminum? If so....How does a 3D printer do aluminum material? Just curious....I thought you would have to machine it.

Really cool that you "made" it. You truly are a "Production Aficionado" :attaboy:.
No its not aluminum, its PLA plastic, I'm re printing the back plate right now, and will have to do some test for strength but looks really strong, if not a friend of mine will make a mold out of this spinner and make one out of fiberglass
Today finalised the fuel tank installation by gluing a platform for future removal, and the front instrument panel finally installed properly (sorry no photo of instrument panel, battery went dead.
Also you can see the super tiny receivers to be used in the Dalotel, these are full range 16 channels each, one will be used and waiting for the other one , same physical size but also incorporates full telemetry. I made a 90 degree whisker antenna holder , actually made a bunch while at it . These small receivers work with SBUS only into a 16 channel redundancy buss which powers the servos, but also will be using the Spirit pro autostabiliser but to do this with the heavy duty servos , I will use again the Fiber optics with its own power , The power switch from the read instrument panel, will operate all 4 failsafe electronic switches , each with a 65 amp Mosfet , so no over heating. Once all done on the electronics, I will post photos if anyone interested.


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