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Scale 50% Dalotel 165

The mounting plate to be hidden behind the back seat, will hold all electronics and batteries, Right now the batteries aren't there , but you can see the redundancy bus in place, the little red unit is an aura 8 stabilizer but this is not the one I will use , I will use the Spirit Pro for aero. also waiting for it , the 3 yellow rectangle units are the failsafe electronic switches, with each a 65 amp mosfet, so no heating problems.
The two small units outside the black plate with with the green Y are the tiny receivers, They are small because they only need very little electronics, no servo plugs into them , but rather use SBUS system for a full 16 channels each, but am using them as satelites for better signal coverage, one will have telemetry. Going back to the failsafe electronic switches, will be armed by the key on the rear instrument panel, since they need very little current to arm. There is at least one of these switches missing right now for the ignition but that will be up front , and one also for the starter. So there you have it , still not complete because waiting for parts but getting there


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I like 'em "BIG"!
Wow! It makes me dizzy and my head spins when I "attempt" to think about all the engineering and designing you are putting into this plane. (You are either completely insane by now, (I know I would be) or an absolute genius) Just one question, would it not be easier to just locate a size reduction chamber somewhere, get a full scale Dalotel and then reduce it to the size you want? LOL...just kidding bro. I am so intrigued with this build. Nothing like I have ever seen.
Wow! It makes me dizzy and my head spins when I "attempt" to think about all the engineering and designing you are putting into this plane. (You are either completely insane by now, (I know I would be) or an absolute genius) Just one question, would it not be easier to just locate a size reduction chamber somewhere, get a full scale Dalotel and then reduce it to the size you want? LOL...just kidding bro. I am so intrigued with this build. Nothing like I have ever seen.
Insane , probably something my ex would have said LOL Genius hmmm I have been called worst LOL
included photos of the front instrument panel now that cameral battery is fully charged, and testing for size of the electronics behind the rear seat, looks good, redesigned the spinner and back plate to leave space for the propeller., but this is not printed yet


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640cc Uber Pimp
Are you ok with boulting the prop up against the plastic. I not sure the types of plastic that is printable. But pleas make sure that the plastic you are using has no creep under a load.