I like 'em "BIG"!
It really bites that these things happen. Not near as severe but frustrating all the same. Not too long after I bought and built my H-9 3.1m Sukhoi, I was at the field cleaning up and getting ready to pack it in. I had removed the canopy to this brand new plane and set it aside to do what needed to be done. I set it on one of the tables at the field under the awning. Now understand the wind out there can be consistent, it can be non-existent. And it can come the hell right out of no where without even knowing it. Such was the case with my Sukhoi canopy. The wind picked that thing up and "slammed" it against one of the steel poles that supports the awning. Broke a good sized chunk right out of the back of the canopy.since I can't remove the aluminum axle, I found a way to fix it, , so am now working on a proper jig for my lathe and will see , yes I will post pictures just hope it works what I have in mind

I felt like someone had just

If I know you, You will have this whipped up in to perfect form in no time at all. Looking forward to your resolution. And yes, please keep the photos coming.