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Scale 50% Dalotel 165


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Hey Roger, See attached picture for how I figured this was. I can't see this as a oil/air pressure dampening, more like piston pushing against a cushion. The dimensions I got for the strut is best guess scaling your picture for a 4" wheel.

My idea isn't fesable after actually drawing it out. Sorry I couldn't help,

DalotelLGStrut.jpg DalotelLGStrut2.jpg


Roger....could something like this work? An inner (lower) strut sliding inside on 2 bushing in the upper strut, with slot machined to accept a steel roll pin. The roll pin captures the inner strut, limits the travel and prevents rotation.

Just thinking out loud!
Roger\'s gear leg.jpg
Hey Roger, See attached picture for how I figured this was. I can't see this as a oil/air pressure dampening, more like piston pushing against a cushion. The dimensions I got for the strut is best guess scaling your picture for a 4" wheel.

My idea isn't fesable after actually drawing it out. Sorry I couldn't help,

View attachment 4130 View attachment 4131
Thanks Matthew for the effort, everything helps and the wheel is 8"
Roger....could something like this work? An inner (lower) strut sliding inside on 2 bushing in the upper strut, with slot machined to accept a steel roll pin. The roll pin captures the inner strut, limits the travel and prevents rotation.

Just thinking out loud!
View attachment 4134
I will have a closer look at your drawing, this would work , now the question is the lower leg would have to be solid because of the slot, I will have to check about the weight increase


I will have a closer look at your drawing, this would work , now the question is the lower leg would have to be solid because of the slot, I will have to check about the weight increase
I would think that if the wall thickness is enough, the center could still be hollow. Another though, instead of a steel roll pin how about a high-density polyurethane/propylene pin. Or a smaller steel pin through its center. The plastics hold up to tremendous wear and would be substantially less abrasive on the aluminum slots. They also have self lubricating properties, if I recall.
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If you go plastic for the pin, you might as well make it flat so the contact area is greatly increased.
I slightly modded Pistolera's drawing to explain my thought.


  • Roger\'s gear leg 2.JPG
    Roger\'s gear leg 2.JPG
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