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Scale 50cc Scratch Build From My Own Design Revisited


640cc Uber Pimp
I installed the cowl ring tonight. First I sanded the inside of the cowl and cleaned it with alcohol. Then I tacked it in with CA and glued it in with Goop. I used a syringe to lay a bead of Goop around the edges, a tip I stole from Terry.


I like 'em "BIG"!
Dang, look at you go. Gonna give Terry a run for his money huh? Looking really amazing. I really don't care for the design of the GEE BEE, but you have brought a whole new appreciation for me to this type of an airframe. Unique, original and really done up nicely. Really looking forward to seeing the completed masterpiece.:yesss:


70cc twin V2
I agree with Stang, GEE BEE never did anything for me, but this is not anything like those! Love the shapes and lines of this plane!


640cc Uber Pimp
Thanks guys, Terry is who I want to be when I grow up. Since I'm already older than him and have yet to grow up that may be a problem. ;)


640cc Uber Pimp
I've been working on my wheel pants and axles. The axles are just standard DuBro so nothing trick there, but the wheel pants are massive. Normally I would just install a piece of plywood around the axle big enough to mount the blind nuts that hold the pant on. This time I decided to make the plywood bigger and let it run farther back into the pant. I fly off grass, and after a while the pants always seem to crack right behind the plywood. Hopefully this will be a little stronger since it has a lot more pant to support.

Since there is no flat area on these pants I had to bevel the edge pretty drastically to make the wood fit flush against the pant as much as possible. I also added an extra piece right where the axle and blind nuts are just to make sure it will tighten up to the gear leg without distorting the pant. After I had a satisfactory fit, I glued them in with Goop.


640cc Uber Pimp
Great Idea, I never thought of beveling the wood like that!
When your doing just a small piece of ply to hold the blind nuts you normally only need to bevel the bottom.

Last night I cut the slots in the pants so they will slide over the axle, and installed the blind nuts. Since I fly off grass I raised the wheel pants up some. I've done that before and it does help on the wear and tear. Unless you hit a pine cone that is. Those things are really hard on wheel pants. ;)

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640cc Uber Pimp
Now that the holidays are mostly past it's time to get back to work on the project. I had 27 people in the house for Christmas Eve which meant I had to turn the family room back into a family room instead of an airplane hanger and I needed to clean the shop. Now that all that madness is over it's time to get to work.

I had decided earlier to round the tips of the ex Yak 54 elevators and wings So they look more at home with the fuse design.

Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures of the process since I was playing it by ear. When I do the other side I will take pics. Here is what the first one looks like compared to the original shape.
