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Scale 50cc Scratch Build From My Own Design Revisited


640cc Uber Pimp
20150221_210050_resized.jpg 20150221_212756_resized.jpg 20150222_151921_resized.jpg 20150222_151927_resized.jpg Okay, I finally got around to putting some work in on the project. I spent several hours piecing together broken ribs, making a few parts to fill in missing areas and removing the lower sheeting back to the spar. Removing the sheeting from the damaged ribs, without doing any more damage was a pain in the backside.

Tonight I made some doublers for the patched damaged ribs. Every one of them had to be fit by hand so it's time consuming. I have three more to make, then I'll glue them all in.


640cc Uber Pimp
I made he last three rib doublers and got them all glued in tonight. Next I need to remove a little of the upper sheeting and install a leading edge. I will leave the rest of the upper sheeting on until The lower sheeting has been replaced to keep the wing straight.

The upper sheeting is in pretty good shape, but I think I'm going to replace it back to the spar anyway. Trying to patch in the last inch and do a good job of it would be tough.

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