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Scale 50cc Scratch Build From My Own Design Revisited


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I finally got around to doing some work on the racer project. Between getting stuff ready for the flying season, getting the house ready for relatives to visit, and battling a kidney stone right after that:frown:, I haven't been in the workshop much.

I was able to finish getting the new wing tips roughed out last night. They still need a A LOT of shaping I'll do once they are glued on. I have a little work on the tip of each aileron, but that looks like a piece of cake.
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640cc Uber Pimp
Well my statement that the serious wood butchering was over was premature. I decided I didn't like the spacing between the cowl and the prop so I decided to build some spacers to shim it out. I'm thinking 3/8" so tonight I glued up some blocks with 1/8" ply. Tomorrow I'll cut them up and test it out. If I like the look, I'll use the ply spacers where the bolts are and a balsa ring around the rest.


640cc Uber Pimp
Last night I worked on my 3/8" spacer for my cowl. It all worked out pretty good. I made some 3/8" plywood spacers to for the areas where the cowl bolts on, then went around the perimeter with 3/8" balsa. This morning I carved and sanded everything flush with the outside. The cowl spacing is much better now.



640cc Uber Pimp
I had planned to go flying his morning, but at the last minute my flying buddy Tony backed out. Since it was pretty windy I didn't feel like driving 35 minutes to see that there was no one else at he field. I wont fly by myself just for safety reasons. So, I decided to stay home and work on my project.

After finishing up a few things I decided it was time to take it outside and see what it looks like together, and how the shape looked from a distance.
