Just Do It
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Yea come on you can't leave us hanging like that
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well the roll rate is freakish , i really like it that way. post stall you can barely notice it and i mean barely. I actually think torque rolls are alil easier. Harrier i wouldnt call it wing rock just have to be on the sticks a fuzz more. Tumbling is better also.
Howz knife edge? High beta?
Without SFG's: Knife edge is a little difficult and requires lots of rudder, High alpha is still phenomenal.
That's what I expected for KE. I noticed while flying it in Arkansas that it needed a lot of rudder for the mid to slow KE.
Since I do a lot of KE flying, I'll probably leave them on.
I am going to take a video so I can watch the ailerons closely.
I think you and Matt may be onto something, I hope.
Jacob, ever get it figured out?
Yeah, I was getting blow back because the aileron servos were going bad. I think I need to reduce my servo arms to make the servos last longer.
I did a riffle roller and the ailerons moved half of the way back to center for a little bit.
When I landed they began to violently twitch.
Heli direct is going to take care of the issue though.