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72" Extra 330SC


How does everyone have their interiors setup on this plane? Does everyone have their tanks forward of the wing tube, and electronics behind? (Like my pic above)

Out of the 4 I've seen plus the one I'm going to build they have all been like yours. Only difference is smoke in the tunnel instead of side by side like in the larger frames.

Actually now that I think about it... Wouldn't it be way tail heavy if you swapped them? I went pull pull on the 74 and have the tank up front and it seems to balance awesome. I'd think with tanks behind the tube it would be off.
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Here's my mess...balance is spot on, very slightly nose heavy with a full tank, perfect at 1/2 tank. I can practically fly for an entire afternoon on one tank.. :p


Joe's Dad

70cc twin V2
I'm just worried that by NJ fli Joe is going to start charging for maidens ;-)


I"m sure he would like too. Just understand that if something happens during the maiden, it's a issue with the plane. And he's probably your best bet if something does happen.
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