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72" Extra 330SC


GSN Contributor
3DHS 72 Extra

Bye bye EME, hello DLE.

Pulled my awesome running DLE-30 off my 71" Slick, and put it on the 72".
When the EME comes back from repairs, it'll go onto the slick...

Hope I can get a lunch time maiden in this week.


GSN Contributor
15min Maiden flight complete!!!

The new Savox SA-1258TG servos rock!!!

More to follow later... Want to get one more flight in before I go back to work.


GSN Contributor
Very jealous


Thanks Josh :)

It was really a great two flights. Cloudless sky, 80-85 degrees, and a nice 10mph down-the-pipe wind.

Didn't mess with the needles, but she's a little rich now, must have bumped he needles when moving the DLE over from my Slick, but she flew well regardless.

I was down on the deck by the second flight, and was instantly comfortable doing all the maneuvers I'm able to do.
I felt like the plane locked in very well in harriers, had plenty of energy for nice pop tops, and drew great lines with easy no-mixing knife edge.

I did notice that I needed a slightly different trim at low throttle than at full throttle, so I programmed a 2% throttle-elevator mix in.

Also, she's just a little bit nose heavy on a full tank, so might need to move the battery back when I add a spinner.

Finally, one of the most impressive things about the plane was the extreme agility, but still rock solid stable at slower airspeeds with reduced throws.
Also, she's really floaty! Was able to fly at about 1/6th throttle into the light headwind without any altitude loss.
She really does practically land herself!

Great airplane, glad I joined this party!!!!


70cc twin V2
It really is a fantastic airplane. I like 'em so much I immediately ordered a second one after the first one died due to in-flight battery disconnection.

Enjoy Gyro.


I've been getting home so tired that I can't muster the energy to assemble mine.. Maybe I should take some vitamins.. Also been dealing with realtors and trying to find a new house so some nights it just doesn't work out..

How do you guys find the time? The older I get the more sleep I need. Wait maybe it's the older my kids get the more sleep I need ;-)