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Aerobeez 90" Extra 330SC (50cc)


GSN Contributor
Aerobeez 90" Extra 330SC (50cc)

Thanks for keeping us in the Loop Gyro...
Say... where did your CG end up? How far back on the wing from root?
Did I read right that the CG is recommended to be almost 7 from the wing at the root?


I'm sorry D-Man, I've never measured the CG on my giant scale planes. I've found that the CG range is so forgiving from tail heavy to nose heavy... That I just build it the way I think it needs, then fly it and move things around afterwards if necessary.
I always measure CG in flight by checking the nose on a 2/3rd power, inverted up-line, and adjust based on that. I find that the way it feels to me in the air is a better measurement than what a balancer gives me, and it's also very subjective!! I like a neutral balance on most planes, but some fly better slightly nose heavy.... So it all really depends on your taste and each planes flight characteristics.

For example, in the video of Brian flying we posted last week, it was before we added the 4oz and moved the rx batteries further forward... And it was definitely tail heavy, but still flew well, just not to my personal taste.

The problem with the electric setup, is much of the weight is in the batteries, and due to the construction of this plane, it isn't possible to get them as far forward as they need to be using traditional straps... This is why we needed to add weight. I don't think this will be an issue with the gas setup, as nearly all the weight is up at/in front of the firewall.

My guess is the plane will be about 16 - 16.75 lbs or so, and I think it will balance just fine. The engine installation is progressing and I expect it'll fly next weekend. We're installing the gear forward with a full size throttle servo just behind the firewall, 16oz fuel tank resting in front of the wing tube, and the rx packs forward like in the electric setup. It'll be easy to move them back if necessary after checking the plane in flight.

Once I get the plane balanced to my taste, I'll do my best to get an actual measurement for you.


I'm sorry D-Man, I've never measured the CG on my giant scale planes. I've found that the CG range is so forgiving from tail heavy to nose heavy...

Thanks Gyro.
Now here's why I've been asking all the pesky questions...

Today I'm maidening the PeakModel version of the same plane and because this airframe is so new yours is the best source of build info on the web right now. Mine is sporting a new DLE61 and will have smoke once my Jtec wrap around pits shows up. (pics attached)

I agree with the CG comments but I was just surprised the beginning GC is recommended 6.89 back. That puts it just behind the wing tube and I don't ever recall a starting CG on any plane I've built being so far back. Just a bit nervous but your comments are helping :thumbup:

Keep the info coming, good luck on the gass install and I'll keep watching this thread with great interest.



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GSN Contributor
Got the DLE 55 all installed and ready for my next trip to the field:


I'm happy with the big cowl, as I didn't have to cut a ton... So it really looks good to me. The forward edge of the muffler is about 1.5mm from the cowl, so it might singe through.

Spinner gap is a little big, but I'm using what I think are the stock DLE55 mounting standoffs.


70cc twin V2

Good to see you at Texas Wings last weekend. Your ABZ Extra looked awesome and appeared to fly the same as well.

Have you been able to get some air time with the DLE55?

Were you able to remove the additional dead weight you had up front on the electric setup?

I sold my OMP 88 Extra 300 a couple of days ago because my 102 Yak is getting all the flight time. I'm going to try and sell my EME-60 to help keep me from buying another plane to put it in..........LOL; I'm thinking (probably wishful) no engine.....no plane. This ARF is on the short list if I can't move the EME-60 in the next couple of days.



GSN Contributor

Good to see you at Texas Wings last weekend. Your ABZ Extra looked awesome and appeared to fly the same as well.

Have you been able to get some air time with the DLE55?

Were you able to remove the additional dead weight you had up front on the electric setup?

I sold my OMP 88 Extra 300 a couple of days ago because my 102 Yak is getting all the flight time. I'm going to try and sell my EME-60 to help keep me from buying another plane to put it in..........LOL; I'm thinking (probably wishful) no engine.....no plane. This ARF is on the short list if I can't move the EME-60 in the next couple of days.


Going to try and get the first gas flight today on my lunch break, and then hopefully a few more this weekend. I'm hoping to meet up with Brian so we can get some video.

I'm sure you know... The EME60 would fit nicely in the Extra


GSN Contributor
Flew the plane on gas today... I enjoyed it more! The energy maneuvers felt a little better, with my favorite poptops much more violent! I figure this is from the weight being more towards the nose...

Oh, and the weight came out to 17.5 lbs with fuel.... With the balance very slightly tail heavy, almost neutral. Batteries are forward, so I'll probably try some slightly heavier batts next time out.

Overall I really enjoyed the plane on gas!


GSN Contributor
some video from last weekend:
