Ok... This is the story.... I live in the City, N.Y., so the closer park that I have to fly this size of plane is about 1 hour to 1:15.... I put all my Birds in my SUV, but i forget the GAS Tank.... Then at the Park I call another friend and he brings his fuel, but, (here comes what I think happens), the mix that I use is 1/30 and he uses 1/50, and something else that he tells me AFTER THE CRASH was "
I got that fuel in this can since last season" = last year...... So, with out knew that, I fill up my plane, and it started immediately, I flew yesterday 6 times, perfect, so there's nothing to check today... We don't have runway, is grass, so i went half stick to get some speed and then when the plane was getting some speed i pull my elevator and give more throttle, in that moment the engine start like making that noise like coughing and losing power, i was no more than 12 or 15 feets up..... after that, the engine shut off and try to do ma best but it was impossible, few seconds before i hit a tree at the end of the field... Here you got some pics of the damage.