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Scale Balsa USA Camel F1


Happy Thanksging to all you thread watchers out there.
If you don't have to take your significant others shopping on Friday how about working on a plane for cryin' out loud and post some pics so I'll have something to do.:way_to_go:

Happy Thanksgiving to you as well...no shopping for me on Friday... have to work...besides it's gotten too dangerous to shop on Black Friday...the possibility that you might get stampeded to death at Wal-Mart going after that one item before it sells out scares the hell out of me....the big ass pump Doug posted has my curiosity aroused....humm wonder what it is he pumps that far north up in Canada...cant be water, it should all be frozen this time of year....


I sanded the spars down to match the ribs. Then I made a paper templet to match the wing tips to the other side.

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Some pictures of me hinging the the last aileron...

On the wing side I just try and angle the hinge slot at a 45*. On the aileron side I just try and split the difference in the wood, since there is an angle clearance on the aileron.

Also put as many rib caps on the top as I could without interfering with future work. I'll get some cap strips on the bottom before I put this section on the pegs till I can do more work on them.

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For the balsa usa kit building. Just wondering if this is a true statement.


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