THE BEAST IS IN THE HOUSE ! ! ! ! ! . . . . . .,
I got an email from my Buddy at work this morning and he told me he got quite a bit of work done after we talked yesterday evening. He was even nice enough to send me some pictures so I could share them with you Fellas.
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As you can see he had to slightly alter the holes in the bottom of the cowl to get it on around the pipes.
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In this picture, you can see how far the prop hub sticks out in front of the cowl. You can see the right thrust as well.
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My Buddy and I talked Sunday night about my thinking of using a prop hub instead of a spinner, so he took this picture for me. You noticed he put a 27x10 prop on the engine. At my Buddy's suggestion, I called The G Man Monday and asked him for prop recommendations for my red headed beast. Gerhard said this engine will rip any prop 28x10 or smaller. He said if I wanted speed (which I don't), he'd suggest a 28x12. If I wanted pull, he suggested a 29x10. Out of curiosity, I asked Gerhard what he'd recommend for a 3 blade prop, his reply was a 26x10. I had wanted to try the Engel props he sells so I told him I would like to order one of each that he recommended. He checked his stock and as it turns out, he didn't have the Engel 29x10 in stock, so I ordered the 26x10 3 blade from him. When I finished talking to Gerhard, I called DA and ordered a Mejzlik 29x10. Both props should be here tomorrow.
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My Buddy told me he had to shorten the muffler pipes to get the cowl on. I said that was fine because I didn't want to see long pipes sticking out of the cowl.
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In this picture, you can see the up thrust that was built into the firewall too.
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My Buddy took this picture, as he said "for the heck of it". That is a 5" P-51 spinner. After my Buddy mentioned that he ended up not using 1/2" stand-offs to help in putting the cowl on easier, I really got to thinking. The Beast is quite a bit heavier than a DA-100. The fact that the engine is 3/4" closer to the firewall than the DA-100 helps allot too, but those Tru-Turn prop hubs are HEAVY! So I've decided to go the lite route to help balance and get a 5" carbon fiber spinner. My problem is that I want one with an aluminum backplate and I cannot remember who makes them.
Hopefully, my next update will be after we run the engine and I get it back with the fuse. I really CANNOT wait. . . . ..
Cool seeing the red heads hiding in there!! Looks really good!!