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3D CAP 232-ST design / build / prototype


640cc Uber Pimp
Still experimenting, but with the mold there are two layers of thick black tooling gelcoat, then some filler to put a radius on all the corners and inside inlets and hard to glass areas. On the last one I did two layers of 4oz, four layers of 6oz and about 5 layers of 10oz.

On this one I'm using some satin fabric that I got on sale and sucks for cowls, it is 9oz and the satin conforms to very complex shapes so I'm going with one layer of 4oz, probably 4 layers of 9oz satin and two layers of 10oz. I also got some filler material on sale that adds rigidity to the mold so I'll be putting a few strips of this on the outside as well.

For the cowls themselves I'm also still experimenting but with a gelcoat layer it seems to work nicely with one layer of 4oz and one layer of 7.5oz. I'm going to experiment with a few different layups on this one just for the sake of learning.

Waiting for gelcoat to set a bit then we'll get some filler mixed up.....


640cc Uber Pimp
Well, we'll find out in the morning how my luck is with removing the plugs from these molds. I did the normal layup of glass and put some patches of bulker on the outside. This really is nothing more than a soak pad that fills with resin and is 2mm thick. Supposed to add tremendous strength to the mold. I'm not so sure this will not take a little beating with a rubber mallet to get the mold to release the plug so I used it for safety. Let this cure for the night.......and fingers crossed for mid morning success pictures.



640cc Uber Pimp
I know, that stuff is expensive for a resin diaper!! I got some on clearance at fibreglast for about 10 bucks, otherwise I would not have used it.


640cc Uber Pimp
Well, I anticipated a good hour of pounding, pulling, sweating and blowing air to get the plugs out of the mold. LOL, it was 15 minutes from start to finish!!!

Molds are perfect. I washed, sanded, washed sanded, wet sanded, washed and applied two coats of wax. Letting that dry for a bit while I do some real work to get ahead for tomorrow. I'll lay up a cowl tonight before I go home so we'll see the finished deal tomorrow AM.:dancing-chicken:

Actually kinda sucks that you spend hours trying to get a glass smooth finish on the plug, then you have to spray PVA that has less than ideal spraying qualities and you end up with a slight orange peal effect that has to be sanded out of the mold. If I do much more of this I'm going to experiment with some different mold release products for making the mold. The stuff I use for laying up parts is amazing but it is not recommended for mold making.


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