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3D Covering???

i do not want to hijack this thread, please forgive me in advance. i have a question regarding laying down trim. i am covering my airplane with Monokote, and where the two different colors meet, i did overlap by 2 to 3 mm, but i would like to cover this area, or hide it, using the Monokote trim, that comes in like a rectangular sheet, that is the sticky stuff, from Monokote. Anyone have advice as to how i adhere this? i have a large piece of glass that i will place the trim sheet, and cut out long strips of 8 mm wide trim, and i was thinking of starting in the back, then overlapping it so that the piece in front lays over the piece behind it, so that it cannot lift off. any advice would be appreciated.


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Yes...I had to on my old Extra's wings. Where I laid the green over the white on the aileron and also a bit on the open bays of the wing where the green and red create the white stripe between them. just make sure your base covering is nice and tight....and sharpen the points on the blades of the woodpecker. As Terry mention, mark of where you overlays are going and then woodpecker, leaving about 3/8 - 1/2" border "un-peckered" :oblong:.
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This covering job held up very well thru 4 seasons and never had any issues with it lifting. Occasional wrinkles were easily removed with the heat gun and rag. Even where two colors were laid.
thanks thats good info, as I have a big covering job to do after I broke the tail section off my AW Extra 300LP when I hit the rudder on an outside loop, I swear the ground was too high because my loop was perfect


Cam....I have not done much with monokote, mostly Ultracote, but as i recall, you can lay down the trimsheet and reposition it, UNTIL you rub it down or apply heat. Heat really seals it down for good.


GSN Contributor
No problem. I have used those trim sheets before and they work pretty well. You can shrink them a little also if need be. I have used it over small switch holes and shrunk it down a bit.