I like 'em "BIG"!
Hello Cam...well, United Package Smashers (UPS) must have hired new employees. Wing box arrived a little bit ago. Box looked great. However I really don't think I can use these wings. They're too...flexy. I don't do foamies. LolHello Rob, I believe the wings arrive today. Please let me know how they arrive and If my packaging technique allowed them to make it there safely.
Oh wait...what is this we have? Do I detect a Balsa samich?
Yup, true wooden wings inside. And I must say they look pretty nice. Cam @orthobird did a right bang up job.
This should make the restore a little less painfull. Oh yeah, the fuse. Oh that fuse!

If weather doesn't break enough for a big Yakster maiden, I will be back on the Dalton this weekend.
Wings are great Cam. Can't thank you enough.