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IMAC Dalton Yak 54, 38% please submit suggestions here....

You know, roughly cutting out the surfaces and then going back through to clean them up sounds like a pretty good idea. The only issue is handling the wings. That one may just take a little more care and sanding afterwards or how do you guys handle it?


70cc twin V2
Here's another way, I used it on my last build and had good results. Didn't have access to a bandsaw and my little scroll saw wasn't up for the job. I marked out the top and bottom of my wing, I then used a straight edge and exacto knife to make my cuts on both sides. This next part kinda sacked, but I pick the 1"strip away from the foam. After the balsa wood was gone I used my hot wire knife and followed the balsa wood as a guide cutting the surface free. Followed it with a 24" sanding bar to clean it up.
Here is how i just did the wings:

This is the left wing. I marked out the 1" strip, the left wing top faces up, and this will allow you to enter the band saw from the TE and from the tip, with no problem.


The band saw, from Lowes.

Here is the left wing, and we are 1st cutting the root side of the aileron, entering from, the TE of the wing.



I then entered from the Tip of the wing, all the way to the cut side, parallel to the root of the wing.

i was going to use Canopy 560 glue. what would you suggest? I am open to any suggestions...

Zap A Dap A Goo. I've used epoxy 1 time on a canopy. It didn't set well, and I pulled the canopy right off. It would have not held up to flight. Zap lets me get it all "goo'd" up before I can set the canopy. But you have to scuff the inside of the canopy where it meets the frame work.


70cc twin V2
Wow, you have really been working on this build! Looks great so far!

In case I missed it what are you planning on powering it with?


70cc twin V2
I really liked the carbon stringers too. I love to build and I love seeing other people's build threads.

I think that building these airplanes helps us exercise our minds and you have clearly shown some pretty clever techniques! :)

I'll let you get back to building, but thanks for sharing! :)
I have glued on the LE of the ailerons. Waiting for it to dry, then sand it smooth with the sheeting.

I still have to glue on the TE of the wings.
The stabs are almost ready to have hinge line beveled. 1st step, after sanding the 1/2" balsa flush with the sheeting, I then will mark the area of the hinge points. On each stab, there will be 8 Robart point hinges. The hinges, from the tip, will be at 1", 2", 4", 10",12", 16", 20" & 21"
Then Once i mark the points for the hinges, I then will use this drill guide, from RObart, and drill on both sides of the hinge line, into the balsa. Once this is marked, then I will draw a line on the hinge line, that is central line. This will be marked with a black marker, that is thicker than a fine felt sharpie. This line, I will not want to sand down. I then will draw 2 more lines/angles on each side, of how much to sand off, the rest is elbow work!! Pictures to follow soon....
