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Extreme Flight 104 Extra 300


49dimes I'll try to get some pics posted tomorrow.
I leaned out the low end a little more than an 1/8th and that has settled it down some.


The air intake to exit


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Damn I'm hungry
With your set up I would Set both needles back to 1.5 turns out. Run the engine and check set / peak rpm.
Check / set smooth transition. Then go fly it. If the surge is still there lean the low just a 16th or so and the high richen just a tad.
For some reason when using cans this engine can get very insensitive with the needles at first then very sensitive ( go figure). I believe this to be because the crank case pressure is lower and less stable in the midrange rpm band when new and causing the fuel path way in the carb to fight one another between high needle outlet and low needle outlet. This is my guess. I kept tuning until it was gone in very small increments and only slightly richened the high needle from 1.5 turns out. Your location can also play a roll as how much fine tune you have to do. It's a PIA but go fly for tuning reasons alone. You will get rid of that surge so don't worry. Once mine broke in the surge came back but it was minimal. The engine low end had richened up (which is normal) . Another tweek on the low needle and VIOLA!. Smooth raw power at me finger tips:).
Yes, that club and its grounds are amazing!! best I have ever been to. Too bad the IMAC contest was not held this year here. Usually, it is the last competition of the season. Hopefully next year, they will have the contest. I am certain there will be a huge turnout!