It's really not that big of a deal, takes 5 minutes to drill and install. Sounds kinda whiny to me. Yes my wheels were a little tight too, just ream them out. For the wobble that yours has, it's most likely from not drilling them out straight. Those hubs are injection molded and should be somewhat straight.
Actually the wobbly wheel is becuause the foam attached to the hub was not done correctly. It isn't because of off set drilling.
As to the whining that's an opinion and I respect yours. I hope you respect mine when I say, when somones pays premium dollars for a premium product, that's exactly what they should receive.
Especially when some people buy entry level products and recive premium atention to detail. Examples being hardware that fits, hardware properly labled. Holes drilled, and blind nuts installed, cowls drilled ready to mount.
So if I am spoiled and whiney so be it. I just expect premium products when I pay dearly for them. When people buy from Apple they expect top of the line from the packaging to customer service. If you bought an iPad and it came with some cheap accessorys that didn't fit, or fit loosely that were not up to snuff, would you be upset? Or would you be a little miffed like me?