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Extreme Flight Owners Thread


70cc twin V2
Right now I have a 60" Edge EXP, 48" Edge EXP (Soon to become a night flyer) and a 64" MXS EXP. I also have a GP Edge 540t that just sits in the closet LOL....

I REALLY want the new yellow an blue 60" Laser but I also want a 78" extra with a DA 35. Lord Help Me!


70cc twin V2
I had to send my Motrolfly 4315 in for repair and Jen discovered a good bit of rust. It is due to the fact that I live at the beach. Anybody know of a lubricant I can safely spray up in the motor to help prevent the salt air from killing my motor? WD 40?


Got some 4s Yellow Jacket lipos today. They look very nice, i haven't had a chance to play with them yet but i'm going to start flying them tomorrow in my Extra EXP. I'll do a full review in a few weeks :)