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3D Fibertech Hyperlite Slick 540 Build Thread


My shop is a mess, I have been going full speed on this thing and I can't find my instruction book anywhere. I remember reading balance with the wings off but cannot remember if its on the tube or???? Rick and Terry, any special balance issue/tips is should know? Thanks guys:)


70cc twin V2
The airfoil has wide range on cg but to start with. Kevin has it at 1.5" ahead of leading edge of wing tube. This is fuse with wings and canopy off


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
You guys can bet your arses I'll be out bright and early to whore up the camera on @Spats Slick :mario-banana:

I think he needs some fresh background pictures for his computers anyways... I noticed all the same old ones on there last time I checked :banana-dance:


70cc twin V2
One wing sheeted and the leading and trailing edges glued on. If you build one of these make sure you have a few rolls of masking tape. I think I have used more masking tape on the plane than I have in my entire lifetime.


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One wing sheeted and the leading and trailing edges glued on. If you build one of these make sure you have a few rolls of masking tape. I think I have used more masking tape on the plane than I have in my entire lifetime.

Haha so true. I went through a few rolls of tape and a complete roll of wax paper. Looking at yours make me want to do another one, I already miss the building and with one done now I know how to really do it better and faster.

Looks good:)


I installed the control horns. I used Pilot RC ones as I have dozens of them and they work very well for me. I like the three position adjustment. First I glued the Robart hinges with gorilla glue. I used 5 on each elevator, 6 on the rudder and 9 on the ailerons. For some reason I did not order enough pushrods for the ailerons. Thankfully a good friend had a some and he was looking for an excuse to go for a ride on his ne Harley anyhow so he dropped them by and I finished the ailerons tonight.


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