Sure glad to see you get back to this plane!
Mine is 95% done... being new to the 35% game and it's new technologies is stressing me out.
I went with the Booma Smart Buss Extreme and for me, It didn't make things easier.
For some reason I believed it was going to have the auto servo matching. Phhht NOT!
Then I got to the supplied opti kill... I again learn that it has to have a separate battery!
Why in the hell would you design a power dist. without considering the ign. power???
Other assy. Threads were saying they were coming out tail heavy. So in my infinite wisdom
I installed a plate over the tunnel and placed the tank and batts there. And put the SB in the original
tank location. I haven't checked the CG yet ... but I have butterflies in my gut that I may have to completely
redo the innards of this thing.
I'm really looking forward to see how you set yours up. I need some better ideas to follow then the ones
my feeble mind keep handing me.