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Hostetler Cessna 336 Skymaster


70cc twin V2
Great, thank you for the suggestions!! Not much new since the last post other than I'm moving forward with the wiring and control surface setup of the left wing. Hoping to have that done this weekend.


70cc twin V2
Control linkages are mostly complete. Trying my hand at fiberglassing now. These are potential hatches for the right aileron and outer flap servos. If they turn out okay, I'll use them. If not, I'll remake them and try again.


Biggest trick to glassing is getting enough resin on to fill the weave, without it being to thick which adds a ton on weight.

I always have a bunch of credit card blanks on hand, and use them to spread the resin. They also help scrape off access resin, so your finished job is smooth, even and light!


70cc twin V2
Biggest trick to glassing is getting enough resin on to fill the weave, without it being to thick which adds a ton on weight.

I always have a bunch of credit card blanks on hand, and use them to spread the resin. They also help scrape off access resin, so your finished job is smooth, even and light!

This was my first attempt at glassing EVER. I was able to sand it down to fairly smooth. I will experiment with priming it and see what happens.

As usual, I really appreciate the advice!


70cc twin V2
I am having some trouble getting the primer from O'Reilly's that was recommended. Would either of these rattle can primers be acceptable do you think?


  • IMG_20170612_183544909.jpg
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640cc Uber Pimp
I have found after a lot of testing that for me, the best process was to put the first coat of resin on as thin as possible using a squeegee. After an overnight cure I sand it with 220 till it's smooth, but try not to sand through, then put on a second coat. The second coat of resin barely takes anything and adds very little weight, but does a great job of filling the weave. Then sand that after it's cured and prime. I did a bunch of test panels a few years ago, and found that 2 coats of resin is lighter than one if you want to fill all the weave since it takes less primer. Primer can be heavy.

The spray can primer will work, but a 2 part catalyzed product is better in the long run, but if you don't have a choice you use what you can get.


From my experience with rattle can paints Dupli-Color is the best you can get without doing as Stangflyer said and going to a two part product.


70cc twin V2
Thanks for the advice guys. I will probably try the rattle can primer on the small pieces and see how it turns out before I try hunting down the expensive stuff. I spent a small fortune on Klasscote paint, so maybe that will help make up for it?

I'm going to follow Jetpainter's advice on glassing for now. I did the bottom of the right wing today. It took longer than I thought it would and was a considerable project, but I enjoyed it.