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Hostetler Cessna 336 Skymaster


70cc twin V2
Pics from the above post...


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70cc twin V2
Glad I still have a couple people following the build!

The past couple of days I have been working on the center section above the fuselage and working out how the air scoop is going to sit.

One challenge has been that the plans and parts do not all fit to the design very well. The upper former pieces that were made from the plans are not correct for the shape of the deck below the scoop. They don't fit the side views, but they are what are in the cross sections. So, I improvised as best I could.

This also allowed me to build up the area around the dowels and ply support that I previously epoxied in place.

My next concern is going to be how to hide the wing bolts. Sorry, but big holes next to the scoop would just not look very good. I'm probably going to have to cut them out after I glass everything later on, then hinge them and figure out a latch or something. Since I am planning on travelling with it all together at this point, it doesn't have to be a quick-release or anything. More on that later I suppose...

The pictures do not show any sanding, because I haven't done it yet, but you get the idea on the general form.


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70cc twin V2
Some additional time spent today sanding that center section. I then set it aside and looked at the wings to get moving on the hinging of the left aileron and flaps. In looking at others' projects, I saw this YouTube video of how one person handled the flap linkage, and I really like it and may do the same with mine:



GSN Sponsor Tier 1
What about countersinking your wing bolts and capping the holes with magnet attached plugs?