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Hostetler Cessna 336 Skymaster


New to GSN!
Oh and if you wouldn't mind, could you get measurements of the cowls/motor housings so I can figure out which size twins to use for power, thanks and have a nice day!


70cc twin V2
Hey Patto! I have been flying my dad's O-2 for many years, in fact, the first time I flew in an airplane was in that one (N86435). 2 days ago, my dad sold this airplane so that we could pay for the 172 my dad purchased for my to learn to fly in, just 1 day before.
Now this brings me to the reason why I'm here. My goal is to start a multi-year project which is to build a Hostettler Skymaster, but to make it as scale as possible. This means that I will eventually have twin cylinder engines, working gear, brakes, flaps, gear doors, cowl flaps, and all the scale details of my favorite plane, using pictures I took of the exterior, and interior.
Now what I ask of you is, can you please post details of the build, (as you already are) and would you allow me to post info on my build as well so that we can help each other with the build (I know the airplane, you know how to build), thank you so much, I cant wait to see more of this amazing build!

Hey, sorry I've taken so long to reply!!

Yes, I'll keep posting details as the build progresses, and please feel free to contribute with your own build details. Unfortunately, progress has been VERY SLOW lately! I had to repair my kiddo's plane and have been maintaining the other GS aerobats in preparation for some upcoming events. The build will progress soon though... Stay tuned!!

As far as the measurements, yes, I can definitely get them. What I would recommend, however, is to just order the plans and study them to determine HOW things will fit.


New to GSN!
Thank you Patto! I still owe my investors (parents) money from my last project, so I was trying to get an idea of how much this project would cost. I am in no rush for anything as I just got back from vacation. I cant wait for more posts!
Thanks! -Ethan


70cc twin V2
So, this arrived in the mail... From Bruce at Century Jet. Very nice work.


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70cc twin V2
It's been awhile since the weather has been cooperating for flying and it seemed a shame to waste it. Today, I cleaned up the garage/workshop a little bit and decided to try and fit the landing gear and engines to the airplane. I think I'd call it a successful, productive day. It poured down rain outside while I measured, drilled, cut, measured, etc., until I ended up with the nose and main gear attached. At that point, it started to look like an airplane.

Yes, I know the windows are still rough-cut and need to be cleaned up. I'm still debating about whether or not I want to install an opening door or two, or maybe just a window that opens up. I'd prefer to have some access to the inside of the plane while the middle section is installed.

After I installed the nose and main gears, I thought, why not install the engines? Things are getting serious here...

Here are some pics of the engines and landing gear installations.



70cc twin V2
Three servos installed now: nose gear, rear throttle, and rear choke. All programmed into the 18sz.

I'm waiting for some longer standoffs for the front engine and then I can finish the front engine installation. When that is done, I can install the front throttle and choke.

Why use servos for the choke? I like the idea of having another way to shut off the engine, for one. Another thing is that with the electric starters, I'll be able to choke and start the engines without touching the plane, (it'll be restrained, of course).

I'm going to take a break from the build and go on vacation next week, but I plan to hit this hard when I get back and the weather starts to turn sour.