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IMAC learning and support using flight videos


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
Not seeing your session Darren. I'm on 6.5 though so I'm guessing it isn't up yet?

It's up now. Been making some edits and I can't while session is open. I'll leave it up for a while.
NHIMAC password- extra.
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3DRCF Regional Ambassador
I'm glad you are calling people back on task Darren. I'm guessing the holiday season. Has slowed people's progress. I know it has mine... also we are about half way through the busy season for my profession (public accounting) so my time has been really limited. I'm also struggling with airframes. Not to worry though. I am still on board and determined to learn!


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
I'm glad you are calling people back on task Darren. I'm guessing the holiday season. Has slowed people's progress. I know it has mine... also we are about half way through the busy season for my profession (public accounting) so my time has been really limited. I'm also struggling with airframes. Not to worry though. I am still on board and determined to learn!

Great Nate.

The sim is not the best venue but with foot of snow on the ground it is a reasonable substitute.
Some airframe suggestions for anyone looking- the Extra 300 that 3D Bandit modified is a nice all around choice
The Patty Wagstaff 300 is good but a little slow on physics (I've tweaked mine a bit and found a variant in my EF 78" scheme!)
The Dalton Extras are good too.
I'm waiting for a club member to get his RF upgrade issues resolved (on his third disc???)
Others are slow to join sessions and when they do its tough to keep attention on "practice". It usually reverts/ digresses into a Huck fest!
I think a little "work" and a little "play" is a good format. I know I could use practice at all of the disciplines.


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
I am having trouble with my pc as well so realflight is not a viable option me at the moment. There is no snow on the ground though :) we were running around in short sleeves on Christmas.


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
I am having trouble with my pc as well so realflight is not a viable option me at the moment. There is no snow on the ground though :) we were running around in short sleeves on Christmas.

Don't rub it in! Looking forward to low 40s for sledding with my daughter. Our New Year's Day fly in looks Chilly with teens forecast. Thermals check, foot and hand Warmers check, Transmitt check, skis check!