I decided to change things up a bit today. I've been wanting to get the canopy/hatch area sheeted so that is what I attacked this morning. I'm a little concerned about that particular area. According to the manual, what I am seeing with the eye and from photos of
@Wacobipe and
@Maxwell1945 Pitts, I am not sure the canopy sheeting and the fuse sheeting are going to match up to the same height. The Formers of F1, F2 and F3 seem to be larger in diameter than what they should be. Or maybe I am just not understanding. Kevin or Al, can you help me out? It would seem the sheeting on the canopy/hatch should only come down to meet flush and level with the top fuse longeron. But there seems to be a cut out right at the very top of F1, F2 and F3 that meets level with the top fuse longeron. Then sheeting all the way around the fuse from the top longeron to the bottom of the fuse. Hence, the sheeting on the fuse and the sheeting on the canopy/hatch should meet as a "seem" like all other canopy's. But they won't at this rate. The sheeting on the fuse will overlap the sheeting on the canopy/hatch by the thickness of 3/32" on both sides of the hatch. Have I missed something here?
While I am trying to figure this out, I went forward with the sheeting process. First however, I decided to allow for a different than designed hatch attachment system. There are three per side locations for canopy/hatch screws to go in. I really don't like this idea much. So I decided to make some small plates and insert them into the cut outs in the front former of the canopy. I chose also to add doubler plates to the back of those as I will be using a dowel system in the front of the canopy like all other canopies. I've tossed around the idea of only using two attachment screws at the back of the canopy and then using magnets in the center of the canopy like Brett did. But I am ok with using four screws. Besides, I have some really awesome Secraft canopy attachment locks that are sitting with no home. I use them on everything else and really like them. So, no part should be without a home. They will get used on the Pitts.
After I made up my plates and doublers for the canopy dowels, I made up a complete skin for the top of the canopy/hatch. I really don't think I do anything differently than others do. Test fit the sides of all the pieces intended on being used, sand if necessary...marry together with tape, open like a book binding, insert glue...close and wipe off the excess glue. Add a strip of tape on the opposite side and let off the side to cure. Once the skin was dry enough to handle, I laid a bead of glue on all the stringers and formers of the canopy/hatch and started with one side of my skin. Laying it on very carefully to insure I didn't get it off centered. Grab the handy dandy water bottle with the spray nozzle on it and doused that balsa sheet good. Continuing to fold the sheet/skin all the way over the top of the canopy until I met up with the other side of the fuse. Once I had a good idea of where it needed to terminate to be the same as the side I started, I traced a line from F1 to F3 and cut the excess skin off. Now laying it also over where it needed to be, added tape all across the top to hold it in place while the glue set and the water evaporated. I also added my bags of weights to the top of the balsa sheeting to keep it tight against the formers of the canopy. A couple hours later, removed the tape and canopy from the main fuse structure. I flush cut the sheeting with the front of F1 and the rear of F3, gave it a quick once over sanding and put it back on the fuse. Yes, looks pretty good.
I'll wait to hear from Jtec before I proceed further with the canopy or the fuse sheeting. I need to get the cabane strut doublers installed along with the blind nuts to attach the struts. So I still have a bit of construction to complete before I can even take the fuse off the jig to finish up the bottom.
Tomorrow, I will probably finish up the right side of the turtle deck and get it sheeted. Heck, I may even decide to do it later this afternoon. But for now, taking a break to relax.
Oh yeah, almost forgot. I temporarily used 6/32 bolts in the front of the canopy/hatch to hold it in place while I did the sheeting. I also protected that wet balsa sheeting at the front of the hatch to keep from causing myself more grief from indentations left by the clamps. LOL