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3D My first Design. I Dubb it The ChubCub

That Sbach looks cool. Thanks for the offer to send your templates. I can wait for V2 though as I recently got slammed with a bunch of laser jobs. Been getting more engraving jobs than RC related jobs this year, everyone is getting their xmas orders in, lol.


Speaking of the sbach here it is getting close to ready to fly. Just got to glue hinges make pushrods and set everything up. Should maiden it on Sunday.


Here is the Sbach all ready to fly. CG came out right where the manual said it would. planes weighs in a 4.31 lbs. should get a little lighter in the end though as I have a buddy sending me some Solar d770's to run on all surfaces as a test. He loves them and said has not had on issue out of them. Lighter and 3 times faster than what I got so I will take it to try them out.
right side.jpg


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The fuse of V2 is all done. Just need to glue on the motor mount and some tristock the. Stuff the last of the guts into it. So long as all flys ok then it will be on to redesigning the wing to cut some weight. In the fuse alone I was able to cut over 1/2 oz of weight and there is still more to take by changing up some stick sizes.


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I screwed up and used hardwood for the wing joiner over 1/4" ply like the plans called for. In a WOT snap it did just that snapped. Didn't hurt the fuse and I will build new wings. Was flying to good before that not to rebuild them.
Here is video of it and also a video of the V2 ChubCub flying. V2 flys great. KE better and the biggest improvement is inverted flight. On V1 it was so squirrely when inverted I hardly ever flew it inverted as you can see in the video this one is much more stable and a blast to fly inverted. Talking with one of my probro buddies I'm gonna start playing with my rudder design to help get rid of the adverse yaw as much as possible. It had been suggested that I get rid of the counter balance on the rudder and give the TE a steeper angle. Time to start cutting some Depron and taping it on to see how much yaw I can remove.
