Also, most need to remember, that when LiPo first came about, we didnt have super smart chargers with built in balancing. Most used things called "blinkys" to balance packs. Which really sucked, as it took forever in a year to do a pack. And if you were one that got a smart charger, you probably paid what I paid for my new 406 Duo iCharger
The packs I built for the company I worked for, we just used pins. They were identical to what you see on servo ends. Looking back, it was a huge PITA. But, this is what he wanted, and I think I still have burn marks on my finders from those pins.....
The packs I built for the company I worked for, we just used pins. They were identical to what you see on servo ends. Looking back, it was a huge PITA. But, this is what he wanted, and I think I still have burn marks on my finders from those pins.....