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Scale Pitts S1-T, S1-S, and a Challenger.


640cc Uber Pimp
After a bit of a hiatus I am back at it for a bit.
Went to the airfield and got in several flights on the GP Pitts.
Come back home and commenced sanding on the last of the wings. The fit sanding is complete so now I can put it together, after fitting the control linkage of which is in progress, then the wings go on and the struts get fitted. After the struts comes the fine finish work, you' all know, the filling and fine contoured sanding. Well, gotta get back at it.


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640cc Uber Pimp
The linkage had been made and JB'd. That's going do it for today, the JB needs 12 hours.


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640cc Uber Pimp
Thanks David!
I finally made it out today for another maiden flight. I consider the first few flight's the maiden as well because of the changes being made to the airframe such as adding weight of which changes the flight characteristics. So, I arrived this morning in high spirits of another flight. Only to have them squashed like a bug. Flip after flip of the prop yielded the engine to being so flooded gas was dripping out of the cowl. After checking as much as I could there at the field I finally conceded to packing it up. After arriving home I unloaded the plane from the trailer, removed the prop and cowl. Everything was plugged in so I removed the plugs, they were still wet with fuel. I dried the plugs, snapped them into the caps, turned everything on, and flipped. Arggghhh, no fire! What the hadez, I thought to myself and comensed to checking the electronics via a tester. I had power all the way up to the ign module. Now, being as there has been nothing that would have caused the module to just go out I was getting pretty angry by this point. Deciding to sit and have a smoke whilst cooling the head sounded good, about the time I reached for the smokes a light went off. OMG, really, could it be that? Shiet! Remember when I had to remove the tele module to re-download the program on my LT? Well, when I re-installed it into the airframe I reversed the harness for the rpm. The harness is modified at the module end but normal at the other and by reversing it I essentially cut power to the module.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
That's all folk's! Will try again tomorrow.


640cc Uber Pimp
Ok guys, here's the flight report. But first the what was done since the last one, 1-1/2lbs added to the nose, 2oz added to the right wing, a tad more air in tires. Ok! It went much better today, the engine started right up, and with a tad more air in the tires it rolls much easier. Then the roll out, tail wheel still not what I want, manageable but not absolute control. The take-off was far better, it did not want to balloon up or roll right like before. Took two circles to trim it out and minimal at that but will play with the weight a little more to get closer to neutral input. Landing approach was a little hot but like last time, maybe not quite as bad, the hands were having at it so it was get it down now. Roll out looked good initially but then it appeared to take a bow. Just before entering the pavement I could tell something gave with the gear so I killed it there.
Needless to say I did not get to a second flight of which I really wanted to do. So I loaded it up and took it to the friends garage. Turns out the springs I bought from Ace Hardware stretched, pieces of junk they were. So I ran home and got the bungee that came with the kit went back and wrapped it up real well. While having it open I also moved the nose weight further forward and added 2 more ounces to the right wing.
I am very happy with the flight today, it felt more like a Pitts and was much more controllable in pitch. I do need to get a higher pitched blade as the one on it is a power house but very slow in flight.
I can't wait to get back out Friday and get a couple more flights in. Really looking forward to doing some rolls, loops, flat spins, and cranking on some smoke. But the wringing out the bugs come first, hopefully today was the last of them.


640cc Uber Pimp
Of all the forums I partake of this one has the best and most of the large scale variety. So, if you guys see anything that I should take notice in, pay more attention to, in general can aid in my attempts by all means say so. Good or bad, I can take it!
Nice flight. It looked good up there. I guess you can say that gear really absorbs some energy! You'll be greasing it in I'm sure in no time. Congrats!


640cc Uber Pimp
Thanks KK.
The summer time chores have been keeping me busy and if I get a slot the weather is nasty. Everything is looking good for this coming Sunday. If everything goes well, no issues, it will be my last flight report on my Pitts. Afterwards I will get back focused on the other Pitts and get it finished up. I did make the bungee change on it as well as primed the gear legs and cabane. All that is left before covering is mounting the top wing and associated parts.


640cc Uber Pimp
Well, I made it out this morning and everything went without a single issue. I did the usual 3-5 minute circle flight and it only took about three clicks of trim in the ele. So adding the 1-1/2lbs on the nose was near perfect. I shot a video from the cowl chin and did not realize the camera was upside down, never gave that a thought. So, I went into the Mobius settings and rotated it 180°. But I did not really care for the video there as the prop really messed with the view, waves and the such. The telemetry was nice and surprising, 4700 rpm max ( to high at this point), 190° on cylinder one and 170° on two, the airspeed indicator did not record as I plugged a connection in wrong. The 4700 rpm reinforces my thinking of needing a bigger prop so while working on it this afternoon I installed the 34x14. The 30x14 3 blade is scheduled for delivery this week, can't wait for that sweet thing.

Anyhow, it was a great day and one step closer to wringing it out, well, as much as I wring them out anyway.