If you look at the last picture of the fuselage, you'll see that I still have to sheet the top. I wanted to practice a little before I articulated this particular technique so I'm just now getting around to it. I cut a piece of 3/16ths x 3 in half, tapered one edge and glued it to the side, slightly bending it over the formers. Then I sanded the top edge until it closely matched the curve of the formers. A bead of medium CA along the top edge and I placed the second piece on the first, overlapping the taper on the top edge. After attaching the second piece to the the formers, I was left with a big overlap that had to be sanded off. It takes a lot of sanding, but the result is a seamless joint with a wide glue joint. I'll post some pictures tomorrow night when I work on it some more.